Here's How You Can - Conquer Every Obstacle! Here's How You Can - Conquer Every Obstacle!
Clint C Zimmerman  -  Tomorrow's World   -  November 1969

JOSHUA and Caleb were willing to take to the field and battle it out with the fierce, giant inhabitants of the promised land. Even though towering giants stood between them and possession of the land, they did not cower in fear. Where did they get such courage? Years later that same land was invaded ...

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Compendium of World History - Volume 2 Compendium of World History - Volume 2  -  Chapter XVII   
Herman L Hoeh  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1969

Why has the truth about the journeys of the twelve apostles been kept from public knowledge? We read plainly of Paul's travels through Cyprus, Asia Minor, Greece, Italy. But the movements of the original twelve apostles are cloaked in mystery. Why? Did it ever seem strange that most of the New Tes ...

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Brian Knowles  -  Plain Truth   -  June-July 1979

The late Sir Bertrand Russell declared: "Religion is based, I think, primarily and mainly upon fear." Presumably he would have agreed with the ancient Greek historian Polybius that the purpose of religion is to keep the masses in check. And one must admit that in many cases they had a point. So much ...

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Does the Bible Teach Universal Salvation? Does the Bible Teach Universal Salvation?
Charles V Dorothy & Lawson C Briggs  -  Good News   -  December 1976

Does the Bible say all will be saved? Or is it possible some will be forever lost? Here's what God's Word teaches about universal reconciliation. But I don't wa-a-nnta be saved!" "You better straighten up and fly right or I'll show you. I'm going to throw you in the lake of fire. ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - December 09, 1969 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - December 09, 1969
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  December 09, 1969

As one of our inner family in the end-time Work of God — as one who has VOLUNTARILY accepted the living Christ's draft to be a Co-Worker with Him in this most serious mission in the world today — I must take you into my confidence and RUSH this short but URGENT letter to you immediately. There rem ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 29, 1970 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 29, 1970
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  November 29, 1970

Here we are again, facing that MOST DIFFICULT MONTH of the year — the month when most people are spending lavishly in the Christmas shopping melee — NOT giving gifts to CHRIST on His birthday, but EXCHANGING gifts with relatives and friends. So many FORGET all about giving to THE LIVING CHRIST for t ...

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New Facts About the Image of the Beast New Facts About the Image of the Beast
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  July 1952

What is this mysterious "image"? You will soon be compelled to worship it or face martyrdom. If you submit, you will suffer the wrath of God! MANY ministers know the facts which prove the identity of the "image of the beast," but they are afraid to tell you. This present generati ...

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I Need Some Answers I Need Some Answers
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics

Life is full of questions, and sometimes, it seems, too few answers. Especially questions about human relations - questions about boyfriends and girl friends, about sex, about making more friends, about getting along with our families. Answering those questions is what this brochure is all about. Si ...

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The Bible Story - Volume II The Bible Story - Volume II  -  Chapter 22
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1961

AT THE RED SEA DARKNESS closed in on the Israelites who were leaving Egypt, a strange thing took place. The peculiar, upright cloud that had gone before them by day took on a startling, different appearance. It began to glow! The darker the sky became, the brighter the cloud became. By an hour or so ...

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Albert J Portune  -  Booklet   -  1961

WHY more earthquakes are coming — and WHERE! WHAT CAUSES them! WHAT is PROPHESIED about future earthquakes! SCIENTISTS are being shaken by new, sobering, almost unbelievable facts concerning earthquakes. Recent knowledge has come to light that revolutionizes all previous concepts. These awesome new ...

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False Prophets False Prophets
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1974

One-third of the Bible is prophecy. That is the forthtelling of future events. But when you think of prophecy, you nearly always think of the idea of an angry God who has commissioned a lot of gray-haired old men of ancient antiquity to shout and yell in the public parks on the street corners of the ...

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The The "Latest" Styles - A New Thing Under the Sun?
Carn A Catherwood  -  Tomorrow's World   -  September-October 1970

BOOTS buckled to the knees, black tights from toe to waist, shapeless dresses in a glorious color range from mud brown through black to gray that fall just above the ankle - that's the "new look in fashion" here in Paris, fashion capital of the world. Women worldwide may protest and sign petitions ...

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The Bible Story - Volume II The Bible Story - Volume II  -  Chapter 38
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1983

PERHAPS you will remember the time when the Israelites who complained were suddenly, supernaturally electrocuted by bolts of lightning. At that time the people begged Moses to exhort God to have mercy on them. (Numbers 11:1-3.) Later, when many died because of eating too much quail flesh, no screami ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  October-November 1978

Why did God create and put mankind on this earth? What is the real purpose of human life? Almost nobody knows! Yet the Bible reveals it plainly. Did you ever wonder about the countless millions of shining stars you have seen on an otherwise black, cloudless night? Especially in an airplane at night, ...

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Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1  -  Chapter 31   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1986

The Plain Truth Is Published: SURELY NOTHING could have started smaller. Born in adversity in the very depths of the Depression, this Work of God was destined to grow to worldwide power. But I did not realize its destiny then. There were no illusions of grandeur. It was not through any planning of m ...

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