Jeff Calkins  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1981

The true story of the Elephant Man reveals a profound lesson about the incredible human potential. What is the measure of man? What makes a person uniquely human? What is the most important human quality? These questions are raised by the widespread interest in the story of Joseph Merrick, the " ...

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I was on the ORPHAN TRAIN I was on the ORPHAN TRAIN
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1984

A crisis grows over the "adoption triangle"-the adopted, their biological parents, their new families. We asked vibrant 87-year-old Henrietta Wiens to tell about her life as an orphan, in the hope it may help other adopted persons. At the turn of the century "orphan trains" were ...

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The Mystery of God The Mystery of God
David Jon Hill  -  Good News   -  July 1976

"Ye are gods," said your Savior. An anthropomorphic idea? Spiritual salt and pepper? A theological euphemism? Or did He really mean it - literally? "Thou art God!" What a mind-boggling possibility! Is God literally our Father? Are we literally His sons? What is the mystery of God ...

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The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers
Plain Truth Staff  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1968

Question 1: What is the prophetic significance behind the Czechoslovakian reform? Question 2: Please explain the apparent contradiction between Mat. 27:5 and Acts 1:18. Did Judas Iscariot, after betraying Christ, hang himself, or just swell up and burst open? ...

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The Bible Story - Volume VI The Bible Story - Volume VI  -  Chapter 141
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1988

HEZEKIAH, ailing king of Judah, was speechless to see the shadow of his giant sundial gnomon moving BACKWARD at a rapid rate. Whether or not the king realized it, it required a most awesome situation to cause such an unusual sight - a sudden reversal in the earth's direction of rotation! But it wa ...

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Do You Glory in the Cross of Christ? Do You Glory in the Cross of Christ?
David L Antion  -  Good News   -  January 1975

The Apostle Paul wrote that the preaching of the cross is to them that are perishing foolishness. He spoke of "enemies of the cross of Christ," "the offence of the cross" and the "shame of the cross," but he himself gloried in the cross of Christ. What is the right Christian attitude ...

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The Story of Man - The Decline of Judah The Story of Man - The Decline of Judah
Basil Wolverton  -  Tomorrow's World   -  March 1971

HEZEKIAH, ailing king of Judah, was speechless to see the shadow of his giant sundial gnomon moving backward at a rapid rate. Whether or not the king realized it, it required a most awesome situation to cause such an unusual sight - a sudden reversal in the earth's direction of rotation! But it wa ...

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Prepare For Famine! Prepare For Famine!
Dale L Schurter  -  Good News   -  April-May 1966

World leaders predict mass famine and starvation. God's Church knows total famine is coming. What should we do as members of the body of Christ? What is the balance of FAITH AND WORKS that we should have in facing THIS end-time crisis? During the last Ministerial Conference Mr. Herbert W. Armstron ...

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Does God Have an Unlisted Number? Does God Have an Unlisted Number?
D Paul Graunke  -  Good News   -  July 1975

Christians are supposed to be people who are on good speaking terms with God. They have a direct phone line to heaven that always gets through. They make prayer the cornerstone of their lives. They may be identified by the callouses on their knees. So much for the ideal. In real life, that+ ...

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The Bible Story - Volume VI The Bible Story - Volume VI  -  Chapter 92
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1968

DAVID'S FAITH WAVERS, SAUL and some of his troops had come to Naioth in Ramah. Their intention was to capture David at Samuel's college. But God made it easy for David to escape by causing a changed and devout state of mind to come over Saul and his men, insomuch that the Israelite leader and hi ...

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David Jon Hill  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1962

There is no need to live in fear and doubt - YOU CAN KNOW what and where hell is, who goes to hell and whether any can leave hell. Read the answers, plainly written and explained from God's Own Word. The restaurant was crowded with businessmen and women of Pasadena discussing their day's busines ...

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A HALF CENTURY OF TECHNOLOGY - What have we reaped? A HALF CENTURY OF TECHNOLOGY - What have we reaped?
Jeff E Zhorne  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1984

Exactly 50 years ago a primitive, cylindrical rocket exploded upward, seemingly defying gravity. Smoke from the rocket's liquid fuel filled the nostrils of Wernher von Braun, German engineer, as he watched one of his first rockets climb 1.5 miles into the clear sky for a flight that lasted only 16 ...

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Tap the Power of the Universe! Tap the Power of the Universe!
John A Halford  -  Good News   -  August 1985

The forces binding matter together point to the immense power of the Creator God. That great God offers to share His power with us to help us overcome. One night, long ago, King David looked up into the vastness of space. As he meditated on the power and majesty of the God who created the Universe, ...

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Ronald D Kelly  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1983

If we are living in the end time, we need to know it. You've heard them all: Armageddon. The Second Coming. The beast. The number 666. The Great Tribulation. The Day of the Lord. What do these seemingly strange biblical symbols mean? Is it possible to know? Is it really possible to understand Bibl ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - June 04, 1959 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - June 04, 1959
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  June 04, 1959

I hoped I'd never again have to do this. But this letter HAS to be an S.O.S.! This letter has to be SHORT. It has to be right to the POINT!! We are threatened with having to GO OFF THE AIR ON AT LEAST THREE of our most powerful radio stations, at least for the summer! TWO major radio stations—the ...

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