The HIDDEN Knowledge The HIDDEN Knowledge
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1973

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - I WAS driven by automobile, a few months ago, within ten miles of the Red Chinese border. I visited, at that point, a world-famous carpet and rug factory. I inspected samples and arranged for production of the special carpeting for the new auditorium now un ...

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The Wonderful World Tomorrow - What It Will Be Like The Wonderful World Tomorrow - What It Will Be Like  -  Chapter 3   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1979

The Cause of All World Troubles. YOU LOOK AT TODAY'S NEWSPAPERS, and what do you see? War news. Crime is on the increase. Murder is commonplace. Terrible accidents. Riots break out in many nations, with many killed, etc. Now let's take a look into the newspaper headlines of the near future, of t ...

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No, Thank You, I'm on a DIET... No, Thank You, I'm on a DIET...
Dibar K Apartian  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1979

Last year, Americans spent over ten billion dollars on reducing aids. They bought pills, powders, liquid protein, sweat girdles and every other device human ingenuity could devise - spending more than the national budget of Switzerland! What was your own contribution to this huge sum? Are you, like ...

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The World Tomorrow Is for Young People The World Tomorrow Is for Young People
Frank W Nelte  -  Good News   -  September 1985

You have the opportunity to help usher in a whole new age! The Feast of Tabernacles pictures the soon-coming 1,000 years of peaceful rule over this earth by Jesus Christ. It will be the time we often refer to as "the wonderful world tomorrow." Christ will return to take up His position as ...

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What Is the Father's NAME? What Is the Father's NAME?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  February 1964

Is "Jehovah" the Father's NAME? In whose NAME are we to pray? Must we use only Hebrew names - instead of English names of GOD? Here is the TRUTH on this misunderstood subject! THERE is only one NAME "under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4:12). What is this NAME? Without it ...

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The Key to Radiant Health The Key to Radiant Health
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1967

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - WE PRIDE OURSELVES on being the most advanced, enlightened, scientifically developed generation that ever lived. We suppose that we are now on the doorstep of eradicating sickness and disease, due to the miraculous advances of medical science. ...

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Does God Have a Master Plan? Does God Have a Master Plan?
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics   -  1976

Throughout the ages of man, philosophers, mystics and visionaries have pondered the meaning of human existence. Why was man placed on this good, green earth? What, if anything, is God doing with His human creation? Does God have any kind of plan, or is man merely some kind of uncontrolled, divine ex ...

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Should You Be Baptized? Should You Be Baptized?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Special Topics   -  1970

Why be baptized? WHAT IS baptism? Is it a religious "rite" required by this or that church? Should it be done in infancy? Should you be sprinkled, poured upon, dabbed at with a damp cloth - or immersed? What is a valid baptism in God's sight? "REPENT!" screamed the panting, perspiring evangelist t ...

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A Balanced Budet from the Bible A Balanced Budet from the Bible
Dexter H Faulkner  -  Good News   -  February 1986

Does your budget work? Do you even have one? The Bible reveals budgeting principles that can help you overcome money troubles once and for all. Budgeting! Many people, it seems, get uncomfortable when anyone mentions this touchy subject. Some are convinced they make too little money to budget. Other ...

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Forgive Us Our Debts Forgive Us Our Debts
Dibar K Apartian  -  Good News   -  April 1979

It is said that the man who never makes a mistake never accomplishes anything. Nevertheless, if it is easy to make mistakes, it is terribly hard - and most inconvenient - to admit them. More often than not, we tend to reason according to our prejudices. We know, of course, when we are offend ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Booklet   -  1973

DO SAVED mothers up in heaven see the writhing and hear the shrieks of their own lost children down in hell? Stop and think! Would you really want to spend eternity in a heaven where you would be forced to gaze constantly upon your own loved ones who were lost, hearing them frantically screaming to ...

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Faith Toward God Faith Toward God
John R Schroeder  -  Good News   -  February 1974

Faith is a foundational and fundamental biblical doctrine. It is absolutely required for salvation. None may obtain eternal life without it. But what is faith anyway? Is it just blind confidence? Or is it based on something substantial? Perhaps an example would provide the best explanation. How w ...

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Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1977

There is a completely overlooked reason for America's unprecedented weather crisis. You need to know what it is. Never in the memory of most Americans has there been a winter like this past one. For weeks on end, the Big Freeze of '77 clamped the industrial heartland of America in an icy vise. D ...

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Now It Must Be Revealed How the Worldwide Church of God Began Now It Must Be Revealed How the Worldwide Church of God Began
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  May 1979

The Church of God was founded A.D. 31, by Jesus Christ. It has continued through every generation. But how was the present era raised up? Here are vital facts of which many now in the Church are unaware. OW IT MUST BE revealed - the true story of how Jesus Christ prepared His servant far in adv ...

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Finding a Way Out of FEAR AND DEPRESSION Finding a Way Out of FEAR AND DEPRESSION
Donald D Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1981

Why does this world not understand the CAUSES for so much human worry, fear, mental depression? Why has humanity rejected the one source that reveals the way to escape these problems? NEVER have so many needed right values, hope, faith, courage and power to deal with personal problems and fears in l ...

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