Should a Christian Fight? Should a Christian Fight?
Leroy Neff  -  Good News   -  October 1960

Wars and rumors of wars are increasing. They are affecting you and your family more and more. Should you, as a member of this Church, bear arms? Should you come under the military authority in a non-combatant capacity. Here is God's teaching for members of this Church. WAR IS big business today. E ...

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Should a Christian Fight? Should a Christian Fight?
Leroy Neff  -  Special Topics   -  1960

Wars and rumors of wars are increasing. They are affecting you and your family more and more. Should you, as a member of this Church, bear arms? Should you come under the military authority in a non-combatant capacity? Here is God's teaching for members of this Church... ...

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Lesson 5 - Why Christ Will Return as Lesson 5 - Why Christ Will Return as "KING of Kings"
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1965   Revision 1065

WHAT WILL THE MILLENNIUM BE LIKE? EVERY king is CROWNED in a coronation ceremony. Jesus is no exception! He, too, will be crowned as Supreme Ruler - as "KING of kings." And He will rule over this whole world for 1000 years! Yet almost no one understands HOW or WHY! Christ Born to be King! ...

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Why Was Abraham Called Why Was Abraham Called "The Friend of God"?
Clayton D Steep  -  Good News   -  May 1982

Even more important for you, how can you build a relationship like that? "MY friend." That's how God referred to the patriarch Abraham (Isa. 41:8). What a remarkable relationship! A limited, physical, mortal being thought of by the all-powerful, immortal, all-knowing, supreme God as His ...

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The Gospel of Jesus Christ The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Just what is the connection between conditions and problems in the governments and the nations around the world and the gospel of Jesus Christ? Why should I, a minister of Jesus Christ, be concerned about meetings with heads of state and the problems of their governments? If people really understood ...

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Counterfeit BAPTISM Today? - Installment 5 Counterfeit BAPTISM Today? - Installment 5
C Paul Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1960

How churches today have been deceived into practicing an ancient PAGAN baptism is the startling revelation in this installment of Dr. Meredith's forthcoming book. Part V. In the previous four articles we learned that soon after the flood Nimrod founded CIVILIZATION at BABYLON. IT REJECTED THE RULE ...

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The Real Jesus The Real Jesus  -  Chapter 2   
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Book   -  1977

In later years, Jesus was always making some "outrageous" statement, the way the Pharisees looked at it. If something was true, He said it. If something was false, He called it so. For example, Jesus once said, "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad." What Jesus mea ...

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Human Behavior Human Behavior
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Bible Study (Audio/Video)   -  January 15, 1982

Now I have a documentary tonight that is going to last about a half hour - that's going to take a lot of the time. But I want to say a few words first then I'm going to show you the documentary then I'm going to have comment to fill the rest of the time. This evening just before I went over to ...

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Falling Away - Part 1 Falling Away - Part 1
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Well, my friends, where is the true church today? I mean, the real original church that Jesus Christ said he would build. Now, he didn't say he built a lot of churches. He didn't say he would build many differing denominations. Jesus Christ said, "I will build my church." Well, my friends, and h ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  October-November 1978

After today's troubled and evil world-the wonderful world tomorrow. Here's just a glimpse into a soon-coming day - and what it will be like! Some time back, when I was in Pasadena, the musical play Oklahoma was presented at the Ambassador Auditorium. Of course I had seen it before, years ago, an ...

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Jesus - God, Man, or Myth? Jesus - God, Man, or Myth?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1964

Agnostics allow Jesus to be, at most, a human philosopher. Atheists insist He never lived! Modernist theologians are still searching for "the historical Jesus"! Can it be proved that Jesus Christ lived? Most people take the existence of Jesus of Nazareth for granted. They have never stoppe ...

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Prove All Things: The Resurrections Prove All Things: The Resurrections
Bernard W Schnippert  -  Good News   -  June-July 1985

Upon the whitewashed crosses standing over the seemingly endless graves of "unknown" soldiers who died in the great world wars of this century, these words are engraved: "Here lies in glory and honor ..." or "A comrade in arms ..." or "Known but to God ..." Ce ...

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The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers
Plain Truth Staff  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1967

Question: Human nature confuses me. Many people tell me we are all basically good at heart - but when I see so many horrible crimes being committed by supposedly "good" people, I can't help but wonder. Answer: It's time we had our eyes opened to the truth about "human nature." ...

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Judah's Septere and Joseph's Birthright Judah's Septere and Joseph's Birthright  -  Series 1   
Chapter 11    The Birthright or the Promise of Many Nations to Abraham

J. H. Allen  -  Reference Book   -  1902

If it could be proved that Israel returned with Judah from the Babylonish captivity, it would only prove that her prophetic history was not fulfilled, and that those prophets which both Jews and Christians have received as the true prophets of God, are but lying prophets. For Jeremiah also has given ...

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Rod Matthews  -  Pastor General's Report   -  July 30, 1979

Africa: Several weeks ago we printed excerpts from a letter from Melvin Rhodes, our minister in Ghana, on the situation he and the members were experiencing after a coup in that country. As a follow-up, here are excerpts from a subsequent letter of his to the Radlett office in the U.K. (dated 26th J ...

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