How to Develop Right Character in Your Children How to Develop Right Character in Your Children
Leroy Neff  -  Good News   -  February 1983

As a parent, you can develop the right kind of physical character in your children if you rear them properly. Read this article to learn how. Several years ago I received a letter from a father whose children were grown. He mentioned some of the problems he had with his children over the years. Then ...

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The Gospel of Jesus The Gospel of Jesus
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1970s

Senate investigating committees want the truth when they're investigating communism, government kickbacks, payoffs, or maybe favoritism in some of the contracts. But you know, people who look into the Bible to find out about Jesus Christ don't care what they find. We all have to be satisfied som ...

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Calendar and Eclipse Interrelationships Calendar and Eclipse Interrelationships  -  Purpose   
Kenneth C Herrmann  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  June 1967

TO EXPLORE AND RELATE THE FOLLOWING PROPOSITIONS WITH EMPHASIS ON THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE HEAVENS AVAILABLE TO THE EARLY CALENDAR MAKERS. That dissention in timekeeping arose soon after the Flood with Cush and Nimrod as the perpetrators. Separation from the authority of Noah and Shem demanded a separat ...

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Why The Strange Customs Of Halloween? Why The Strange Customs Of Halloween?
Worldwide Church of God  -  Special Topics   -  1973

Where did Halloween come from? Should it be observed? Few realize just how enlightened twentieth century man came to observe such a superstitious custom. HALLOWEEN is the strangest holiday of the entire year. On the eve of November 1, children in many lands dress as goblins, or as witches, knock on ...

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The Plan of God The Plan of God
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  Feast of Tabernacles   -  September 25, 1980

Well, they designed a master plan; and they built the college according to that master plan. GOD ALMIGHTY didn't start to build what He is doing for this purpose until He had worked out a master plan for it. Now behind ALL was the supreme Mind of the Eternal God. We didn't come from a lifeless n ...

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How Did This World's RELIGIONS Begin? - Installment 3 How Did This World's RELIGIONS Begin? - Installment 3
C Paul Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1960

Here is the little-known, gripping story of the birth of a great religious system which today masquerades under the name "Christian," yet it began hundreds of years before Christ! Part III. Did you know that at Christ's time pagan practices bore an amazing similarity to Jesus' teaching ...

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Baptism for the Dead Baptism for the Dead
Lester L Grabbe  -  Good News   -  February 1976

A scripture which has puzzled theologians for centuries is I Corinthians 15:29: "Why then do those who baptize for the dead do what they do, if there is definitely no baptism for them?" (Author's translation throughout.) One scholar who cataloged al.1 of the various explanations of this v ...

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Heaven and the Resurrection - Part 2 Heaven and the Resurrection - Part 2
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1974

What a world it would be if you could be guaranteed life from now on. People actually hope that science can achieve a fantastic breakthrough and promise us just there, there are associations formed now for people who believe that maybe if their bodies are quick frozen that some time, 50 years, 100 y ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - October 27, 1972 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - October 27, 1972
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  October 27, 1972

Everybody I have discussed it with says enthusiastically, this Feast of Tabernacles was not only the GREATEST in every way so far, but also it was the TURNING POINT!!! The world doesn't believe it, but THERE ASSUREDLY IS A DEVIL. And Satan has pulled out all stops in his attack to try to DESTROY G ...

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The Real Jesus The Real Jesus  -  Chapter 11   
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Book   -  1977

Jesus could only look forward to an early death. He would be beaten into an unrecognizable hulk, tortured, ridiculed, abandoned by friends, mocked by enemies and finally crucified. Before His 34th birthday, He would be hanging on a stake, naked and dead. All this He knew, and knew fully, throughout ...

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What Is Death? What Is Death?
Ambassador College  -  Special Topics   -  1970

Just what IS Death? IS there a Resurrection? Do the DEAD know what the LIVING are doing? Is SUICIDE unforgivable? Where will you meet loved ones again? WHY does God allow CHRISTIANS to die? Does death ever come as PUNISHMENT? What if one dies being unconverted? Is he lost forever? Here GOD ALMIGHTY ...

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A Thousand Years of Real Peace Coming A Thousand Years of Real Peace Coming
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  Feast of Tabernacles   -  September 22, 1983

Well greetings brethren all over the United States and Canada and Britain. What a blessing we've been enjoying already. We got off to a wonderful start last night and earlier this morning here at Pasadena. And I'm sure you did in all the other Feast sites all over the United States, Canada, and ...

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Sodom Today! Sodom Today!
David Jon Hill & J Orlin Grabbe  -  Tomorrow's World   -  June 1971

Pornography stores and movie theaters hawk explicit sex. Sexual intercourse "live" on stage. "Gay-in" happenings and "Gay Power" parades in New York and Los Angeles. Sex change operations in Copenhagen. College yearbooks with nude pictures. Homosexual churches in California. English prelate sanction ...

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Roderick C Meredith  -  Pastor General's Report   -  March 27, 1979

Greetings again from Pasadena: We are all fine here, and appreciate the many encouraging calls and letters that continue to come in from so many of you and also your brethren out in the field. Now that the receiver has been gone for some time, things seem more normal here at headquarters, and we are ...

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The Middle East in Prophecy The Middle East in Prophecy
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1983

The astounding background to the crisis in the Middle East - and how it will be resolved! The Middle East is seething with crisis after crisis. Few people realize the true significance of this turmoil. They seem to have no conception of the danger it threatens - eventual danger to the whole world. I ...

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