Lesson 9 - WHY Science Hasn't Lesson 9 - WHY Science Hasn't "Discovered" God
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1969   Revision 50M1169

GOD REVEALS HIMSELF! WE LIVE in an age of SKEPTICISM - an age of doubt and disbelief! And no wonder. Modern education has put a premium on MATERIALISM. The mere mention of "God" in the classroom provokes LAUGHTER and RIDICULE. Morality has been thrown to the wind! IS God a myth? An inventi ...

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The Real Jesus The Real Jesus  -  Chapter 10   
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Book   -  1977

Jesus spoke at great length, in private, to His disciples about His encounter with Satan. The accounts of both Matthew and Luke, together with Mark's one paragraph establishing the chronological place of the event Gust before the beginning of His ministry and just after His baptism), prove that Ch ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  Unleavened Bread   -  April 4, 1983

I John 1:8-10 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. (9) If we [And "we" means the Church.] confess our sins [If, when we slip, we do confess it ... and it doesn't say just your faults. It says sins!], he is faithful and just to forgive US [The "us" means ...

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Mr. Armstrong's Letter On The Feast Mr. Armstrong's Letter On The Feast
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Worldwide News   -  April 07, 1980

The following letter from Pastor General Herbert W. Armstrong, dated March 21, was sent to United States members to describe plans for the 1980 Feast of Tabernacles. It is reprinted here for the benefit of Church members worldwide. Dear brethren of God's Church: Now we are enthusiastically looking ...

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Why Churches are Losing Influence Why Churches are Losing Influence
Lester L Grabbe  -  Plain Truth   -  June 1971

Churchgoers and pastors alike admit that traditional religion is on the skids. In an age of insecurity and few moral guidelines, the churches' failure to provide spiritual leadership has been a crushing blow to Western society. "We churchmen are gifted at changing wine into water - watering down r ...

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The Meaning of The Feast of Tabernacles The Meaning of The Feast of Tabernacles
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  Feast of Tabernacles   -  October 13, 1981

Greetings, brethren, all over the United States and Canada and Britain (and beside the mainland of the United States) in Alaska and in Hawaii. What a marvelous thing it is that we can all be together and that we have this wonderful setting here at the headquarters of God's Work. That is, the tempo ...

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The Two Babylons The Two Babylons   Conclusion         
Alexander Hislop  -  Reference Book   -  1858

I have now finished the task I proposed to myself. Even yet the evidence is not nearly exhausted; but, upon the evidence which has been adduced, I appeal to the reader if I have not proved every point which I engaged to demonstrate. Is there one, who has candidly considered the proof that has been l ...

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The Purpose of the Christian Life The Purpose of the Christian Life
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Now once again, why if people are already saved when they accept Christ, why doesn't God take the new converts then immediately to heaven, if heaven is the reward? And by the way, have you ever seen any real proof in your Bible, any real promise that you can ever go to heaven? You'd better start ...

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Valentine's Day - Christian Custom or Pagan Pageantry? Valentine's Day - Christian Custom or Pagan Pageantry?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  February 1985

"Will you be my valentine?" That question is asked by millions about this time of year. Why? Is there any religious significance to February 14? Where did St. Valentine's Day come from? You might suppose schoolteachers and educators would know. But do they? How many of you were ever taug ...

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Lesson 2 - Here's good news...the MESSAGE sent from Heaven Lesson 2 - Here's good news...the MESSAGE sent from Heaven
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1955   Revision 962

WHY ISN'T the true gospel of Jesus Christ being preached today? Why haven't you heard Jesus' own gospel - the message He preached? Understand that JESUS came into the world not as a human philosopher or idealist, but as A MESSENGER DIRECT FROM GOD, the Creator of heaven and earth, the One who ...

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Sharing: Teamwork! Sharing: Teamwork!
Philip Stevens  -  Good News   -  August 1983

January 12, 1899, was a bleak day in Britain. Along the normally picturesque southwestern coast, huge, ugly waves pounded the tiny harbors. In Lynmouth, the 12-man lifeboat crew waited expectantly. With the seas so rough, the men knew their services would soon be required. That afternoon a telegraph ...

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Question Box Question Box
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  January 1952

Question 1: Are All Americans Racially Israelites? Question 2: Did the Apostle John Write All the Books Bearing His Name? Answer 1: We know from the Bible that America is nationally of Israelite descent but how are we to account for so many races living here? Before you finish this question, be sure ...

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Fulfilled Prophecy - A Challenge to the Skeptics Fulfilled Prophecy - A Challenge to the Skeptics
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics   -  1980

The trustworthiness of God's Word is at stake! The Bible must either stand or fall according to the fulfillment of the remarkable prophecies it so boldly makes. For I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times t ...

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John R Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1982

Natalie Wood dead at 43! It hardly seems possible. I remember her well as the gifted child star of the more tasteful movies of World War II vintage. In due time the schoolchild in pigtails grew into a successful professional actress. The fame and riches of this world were hers. Her marriage to Rober ...

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The Sermon on the Mount The Sermon on the Mount
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1974

Since society is founded on lies, what are our chances for world peace in your time and mine? Since society is founded not on ideals but on the nature of man, what are our chances for world peace in the next few years? What are the chances of escaping nuclear annihilation as a result of the present ...

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