Doctrinal Outlines - Sin - A Matter of Life and Death Doctrinal Outlines - Sin - A Matter of Life and Death
Worldwide Church of God  -  Study Tools   -  1986/87

"Sin is fun!" So scribbled the graffiti author on a decaying brick tenement wall deep in the slums of a large city. While the elements may soon wash these words from the masonry, false beliefs about sin, like this one, will long engrave the minds of millions of humans everywhere. Few peopl ...

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Just What Is The Church? Just What Is The Church?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Special Topics   -  1970

I will build my Church." What IS that Church - human organization, or spiritual organism? Of whom composed? How does one become a member? Does it have a divine Commission? - and if so, WHAT? - and HOW carried out? By organization, or by individuals acting independently? ...

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How Much of the Bible Should You Reject? How Much of the Bible Should You Reject?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  March 1971

Did God allow blunders, errors, or PRIVATE OPINIONS to creep into the Bible? Is any part of Scripture UNinspired? Here, straight from your own Bible, is the real truth! VAST SEGMENTS of organized "churchianity" claim the entirety of the Old Testament is done away. Other large organizations claim to ...

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Don't Let Life HAPPEN! Don't Let Life HAPPEN!
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1964

Too many people stumble PURPOSELESSLY through life. Without realizing it, you may have been the victim of circumstances! Read, in this article, how to LIVE life, not just let it "happen." "What a pity youth has to be wasted on children," say the middle-aged. "If I had only known at age twe ...

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Christ Moves Swiftly To Put Ambassador College Back On Track As God's College Christ Moves Swiftly To Put Ambassador College Back On Track As God's College
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  July 3, 1978

The leaven of secularism and materialism was subtly injected into the college that had been built as GOD'S college – as a college DIFFERENT from any other. It was a college UNIQUE in, but not part of, Satan's world. During the first three years of Ambassador's life I personally fought and bled ...

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John D Stettaford  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1982

When baby is finally born, doting parents look expectantly for those distinctive features that make that helpless, bundle of joy something special to them: "He looks like you!" "He's got your mannerisms and your smile." But when he (or she) grows up, who will he think like? Is ...

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He That Overcometh He That Overcometh
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  May 1981

Well thank you everybody, and let me say, not only greetings to you here in this beautiful auditorium, but also to the several hundred over in Perth who are listening in to this just now and are with us. And let us understand that we are having fellowship right now, not only among ourselves, not onl ...

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The Bible Story - Volume III The Bible Story - Volume III  -  Chapter 43
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1963

ON TO CANAAN AGAIN! GOD SPOKE to Aaron once again during those trying 38 years of wandering. This time it was to remind him of several very important matters. One was the subject of tithing. God Explains Tithing A tithe is a tenth part of anything, especially the tenth of one's increase, whether i ...

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Should We Use The Old Testament? Should We Use The Old Testament?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Special Topics   -  1958

Jesus commanded: "Man SHALL live by EVERY Word of God." How can we prove that He included the Old Testament in that command? - that He meant ALL the Bible? DID YOU ever observe people going to Sunday School or Church on a Sunday morning? And did you ever notice what a large portion of them - if they ...

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The Real Jesus The Real Jesus
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Booklet   -  1972

Many, today, are following after "another Jesus": A "Jesus, whose name was crudely painted on barns and rocks in the 30's. The same "Jesus" who was adored by the perpetrators of the Inquisition. A "Jesus, with long hair, flowing robes, halo, sick expression, thin aquiline nose, petulant lips. One ...

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Don't let life HAPPEN? Don't let life HAPPEN?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  March-April 1970

Too many people stumble PURPOSELESSLY through life. Without realizing it, you may have been the victim of circumstances! Read, in this article, how to LIVE life, not just let it "happen." "WHAT a pity youth has to be wasted on children," say the middle-aged. "If I had only known at age twenty what I ...

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Should We Use The Old Testament? Should We Use The Old Testament?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  December 1971

Jesus commanded: "Man SHALL live by EVERY Word of God." How can we prove that He included the Old Testament in that command? - that He meant ALL the Bible? ...

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Who - What - Was Jesus Before His Human Birth? Who - What - Was Jesus Before His Human Birth?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  November-December 1972

Was He God - was He angel - was He spiritual essence - did He exist only in the plan, thought and purpose of God? Each of the variant Hebrew names proponents find their theory in grave difficulty when one understands WHO the God of the Old Testament really is! THERE is irrefutable proof that the ...

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David Jon Hill  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1977

Time is the unique and universal element available to each living individual in exactly the same amount. Each day brings a full bank account of 24 hours - and the quality of your life depends directly on how you use those hours as they inexorably pass by. Don't just spend them - invest them. Time ...

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God's Church in Action God's Church in Action
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  September 26, 1978

God is only drawing those that have been predestinated to be called now and their called for some special job, then the Church has been called for a special job, what is it? Most people in that Church don't know it; they don't know what they are called for. They think they're called to get, ge ...

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