How Christ Gives The Church Its Beliefs How Christ Gives The Church Its Beliefs
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  November 20, 1978

Did Jesus appoint a "Doctrinal Committee?" The Roman Catholic Church has a Curia, which examines and passes on all doctrines and practices before the pope makes them official. How did CHRIST organize God's Church? I said to my wife, 52 years ago, "All these churches can't be wrong. That's how ...

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Mystery of the Trinity Mystery of the Trinity
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Well greetings everybody. Of all religions of the world, of all denominations of Christianity, there is only one true Church, only one; and only one that has the real knowledge. Now I learned, not only that God is Creator, but God is the Revealer of basic knowledge. And I tell you why the greatest i ...

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Four Great Qualities of Leadership Four Great Qualities of Leadership
Ronald D Kelly  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1984

Do you know what they are? It starts early in life. This quality called leadership. Do you remember as a youngster on the playground, someone would say, "Let's play a game"? Then another would say, "Yeah, let's do. Tommy and Johnny will be captains and choose sides." What was ...

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A Voice Cries Out Amid Religious Confusion: Part Four A Voice Cries Out Amid Religious Confusion: Part Four
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1980

How could the world have become so mixed up? Out of this spiritual wilderness, a voice cries out in clarity and power, with the reassuring truth of the world's only and sure hope! Chapter 3 Part Two: WHO AND WHAT IS GOD? The character of both God the Father and Christ the Son is that of spiritual ...

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Romans 1-5 Romans 1-5
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Bible Study (Audio/Video)   -  June 6, 1980

We were finishing up the book of Galatians that I think we had finished that in about two studies. And, I think if anyone had understood Galatians, that they would understand Romans. But I thought it might be good if we would go through Romans this time. It's a little longer book. And I think that ...

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Are You Being Judged Now? Are You Being Judged Now?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  January 21, 1983

Did you ever wonder what has happened to your relatives and friends who have died? Do you know what Jesus Christ said about that? Most people don't know what these things are, but in John 5 verses 28 and 29 Jesus said; "... the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his ...

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Process Foretold 45 Years Ago in This Magazine THE ROCKY ROAD TOWARD EUROPEAN UNITY Process Foretold 45 Years Ago in This Magazine THE ROCKY ROAD TOWARD EUROPEAN UNITY
Gene H Hogberg  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1979

Since its inception in 1934, The Plain Truth has consistently warned that an end-time union of ten nations in Europe - a "United States of Europe" - would rise within the bounds of the old Roman Empire. Now Europe's most powerful leaders are appealing to the past as a guide for the future. In Euro ...

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If You Had Lived in the Time of Christ If You Had Lived in the Time of Christ
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  October-November 1983

Would you have believed Him - turned against Him - or checked up on Him - which? Don't be too sure! Here's a way to test yourself. Just for the moment, SUPPOSE - suppose you were living in Jerusalem when Jesus Christ was teaching there. You are walking along with a friend. You come upon a small ...

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Athens Senior Rotary Club Message Athens Senior Rotary Club Message
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  January 13, 1983

The whole world soon will be stunned by the announcement or the news of a new amalgamated nation appearing suddenly in Europe, possibly more powerful than either the Soviet Union or the United States. Now, recently I addressed the very prestigious Rotary Club of Athens, Greece, concerning this very ...

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America - A Paper Tiger? America - A Paper Tiger?
Gene H Hogberg  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1980

The American flag is set ablaze by anti-U.S. demonstrators in Tehran, Iran. Militant followers of the Ayatollah Khomaini, demanding the return of the exiled Shah, stormed the U.S. embassy in early November, capturing embassy personnel as hostages . Why is Washington seemingly incapable of protecting ...

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Should a Christian Fight? Should a Christian Fight?  -  Chapter I   
Leroy Neff  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  May 1962

"Mankind must put an end to war — or war will put an end to mankind." This shocking statement was made recently in an address to the United Nations assembly by President Kennedy. This entire world is fast plunging to destruction at the hand of man in world suicide or cosmocide. This presen ...

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Law and Grace - Part 1 Law and Grace - Part 1
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  May 16, 1979

Do people today believe what Jesus preached in the Sermon on the Mount? If you'd read that again, you would be shocked and surprised to find how few people believe it - and how many people seem to think that Jesus was all wrong - at least that's the way they live - that's the way they talk. Do ...

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Christ's Message Rejected Christ's Message Rejected
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  June 22, 1979

But, my friends, why do we have wars today? Why do we have all of this unhappiness? You know, I could begin, I believe, every sermon, every broadcast that I might preach, the remainder of my lifetime, by asking and answering that question - why does God permit wars, why does He permit poverty and un ...

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Only One God Is God! Only One God Is God!
J Orlin Grabbe  -  Tomorrow's World   -  March 1972

The world is full of many man-devised idols of bizarre appearance. But only one God IS God! The world abounds with homespun ideas of God. Men prostrate themselves before carved stones, wood or even photographs. But in fact, most of that to which mankind has affixed the label "God" has fallen far sho ...

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Key to Northwest European Origins Key to Northwest European Origins  -  Table of Contents   
Raymond F McNair  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  May 1963

The ORIGIN of the peoples of NORTH-WESTERN EUROPE has occasioned much controversy! As a result, a considerable amount of confusion has been generated over the question of the racial affinities of the various branches of those peoples who inhabit primarily the coastlands, islands and peninsulas of No ...

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