Ronald D Kelly  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1984

Sooner than many expect, a world of peace and happiness will be right here-on planet Earth. FOR 50 YEARS, on radio and television, a voice has rung out, "Well greetings, friends around the world. This is Herbert W. Armstrong bringing you the GOOD NEWS of the WORLD TOMORROW!" Good news? Is ...

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Gene H Hogberg & Paul W Kroll  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1969

Suddenly - in America and Brita in - there is a dramatic upsurge in astrology. It's big business. Even witchcraft has become respectable. Why - in this age of the computer? "SAY, BOB, did you see your boss about that great new idea you have on how to save the company money?" "Oh, no ...

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Behind the U.S. - China Thaw Power Struggle in the Pacific Behind the U.S. - China Thaw Power Struggle in the Pacific
Gene H Hogberg  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1971

Mainland China - one fourth of all humanity – has decided to politically rejoin the world. What is the significance behind this move? Where are events in Asia headed now? In late January, 1969, a little reported two -day conference between leading political figures in Japan and the United States was ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Pastor General's Report   -  August 21, 1979

The living, active HEAD of this Church is Jesus Christ. Too many seem to have forgotten that. Eighteen months ago it seemed as if many of those active in the leadership of both Church and College had forgotten that. They seemed not to be conscious of the LIVING Christ's active presence in the Work ...

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Are We Living in the Last Days? - Part 1 Are We Living in the Last Days? - Part 1
Brian Knowles  -  Good News   -  August 1976

The Handwriting Is on the Wall: Did you ever wonder where that enigmatic expression originated? The answer does not lie in twentieth-century graffiti but in the pages of your Bible! Over two millennia ago, during the twilight of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, a series of strange events changed the ...

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The Real Jesus - Would You Recognize Him? The Real Jesus - Would You Recognize Him?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  October-November 1977

Today, Jesus sells almost as well as sex - so long as He's not the real Jesus. But the Madison Avenue Jesus - the Hollywood Jesus - the fictitious Jesus who has been created in the minds of millions through a combination of religious tradition, misinterpreted history, false assumptions, hazy notio ...

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Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1966

"WORLD PEACE THROUGH LAW" - "ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT" - these are the cherished hope of mankind for the future. Today, government leaders recognize WORLD GOVERNMENT is the only hope for lasting world peace. But take a long look at the GREATEST ATTEMPTS OF MAN IN ALL HISTORY to put t ...

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Why Bring the Bible into THAT? Why Bring the Bible into THAT?
John A Halford  -  Plain Truth   -  November-December 1985

I REMEMBER the first article I ever read in The Plain Truth. It was back in 1959. The magazine had been coming to our house for several months, but I had not taken much notice of it. Then one evening my mother or someone left a copy lying open at an article about space travel-a subject I was becomin ...

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The Incredible Human Potential The Incredible Human Potential  -  Chapter 2   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1978

THE STARTLING REVELATION OF WHAT WAS CHRIST'S GOSPEL - We have seen how the most important of all knowledge, sent by the Creator of all races, was suppressed and another "gospel" foisted on a very deceived and unknowing world. The world heard thereafter about the messenger, but not the m ...

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A TRUE History of the TRUE CHURCH A TRUE History of the TRUE CHURCH
Herman L Hoeh  -  Booklet   -  1959

Is Christ divided? There are more than 250 major denominations in America alone - and other hundreds of little groups and sects. WHY? When did this confusion originate? How much do you really know about the TRUE CHURCH? Where has it been? Have you supposed it was re-established at the Protestant Ref ...

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Dan C Taylor  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1983

Few realize what the current global arms buildup is costing! Today, many small and poor nations pay vast sums to have access to modern military miracles. The result? A conventional arms race as dangerous, if not more so, than the nuclear arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union. Yet ...

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Is Christmas Christian? Is Christmas Christian?
Albert J Portune  -  Tomorrow's World   -  December 1971

The origin of many of our Christmas customs is amazing, shocking! Millions of Christians accept the customs without ever questioning their origin. Millions observe them without realizing the God they hope to worship through these customs condemns them! ...

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A Voice Cries Out Amid Religious Confusion A Voice Cries Out Amid Religious Confusion  -  Chapter 3    Part 2
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1980

THE CHARACTER OF both God the Father and Christ the Son is that of spiritual holiness, righteousness and absolute perfection. That character might be summed up in the one word LOVE, defined as an out-flowing loving concern. It is the way of giving, serving, helping, sharing, not the "GET" way. It is ...

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Is CHRISTMAS Christian? Is CHRISTMAS Christian?
Albert J Portune  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1963

The origin of many of our Christmas customs is amazing, SHOCKING! Millions of Christians accept the customs without ever questioning their origin. Millions observe them without REALIZING the God they hope to worship through these customs CONDEMNS THEM! Have you ever wondered how Santa Claus fits int ...

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The Occult Explosion - Part 1 The Occult Explosion - Part 1
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1974

In this age of Lunar Landing, Skylab, the technology and science millions have, it seems, lost their heads over demonism, satanism, witchcraft, and the occult. This is the age of the dawning of Aquarius and the age of the waning of science or at least so it seems with millions upon millions of peopl ...

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