Should a Christian Fight? Should a Christian Fight?
Leroy Neff  -  Special Topics   -  1960

Wars and rumors of wars are increasing. They are affecting you and your family more and more. Should you, as a member of this Church, bear arms? Should you come under the military authority in a non-combatant capacity? Here is God's teaching for members of this Church... ...

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Question Box Question Box
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  February 1960

Question: How Should a Christian Woman Obey Her Unconverted Husband? Answer: This question has troubled many women who have been called to a knowledge of the truth before their husbands have been called. They are faced with a tremendous problem which may cause much needless worry and anxiety until t ...

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How should a Christian woman obey her unconverted husband? How should a Christian woman obey her unconverted husband?
Letter Answering Department - 900 Series - Letter Number: 929   -  1960

How should a Christian woman obey her unconverted husband? This question has troubled many women who have been called to a knowledge of the truth before their husbands have been called. They are faced with a tremendous problem which may cause much needless worry and anxiety until the plain teaching ...

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The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers
Plain Truth Staff  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1961

Question: In February my children in school will be confronted with St, Valentine's Day. What should I tell them to do? Answer: Few know where the custom of celebrating St. Valentine's Day originated. We do not find any such practice in the Bible. How did we come to inherit these customs? It is ...

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Sermon on the Mount - Part 1 Sermon on the Mount - Part 1
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  May 1, 1979

Now, to see just what He did preach, the example that He did set, what the early Church under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the leadership of the Apostles did believe and what they did preach and the customs they did follow, we are once again going through the first four books of the New Te ...

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Gene H Hogberg  -  Pastor General's Report   -  December 19, 1978

THE BREAKTHROUGH TO CHINA, Following an intensive 72-hour flurry of secret diplomacy, President Carter stunned the world on Friday evening, December 15 with a terse televised announcement that the United States and the People's Republic of China had agreed to establish diplomatic relations as o ...

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The HIDDEN Knowledge The HIDDEN Knowledge
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1973

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - I WAS driven by automobile, a few months ago, within ten miles of the Red Chinese border. I visited, at that point, a world-famous carpet and rug factory. I inspected samples and arranged for production of the special carpeting for the new auditorium now un ...

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A Whole New Ball Game A Whole New Ball Game
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Worldwide News   -  January 28, 1980

In the past two weeks, this world has entered into a "whole new ball game". The intervention of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan changes the whole world picture. Or does it? President Jimmy Carter has said this new development has given him a new insight and appraisal of Communist Russia. It gave me ...

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Amazing 2000-Year History of the Church of God Amazing 2000-Year History of the Church of God
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  June-July 1958

How much do you really know about GOD'S CHURCH? Where has it been? Have you supposed it was re-established after 1900 years through the efforts of Herbert W. Armstrong? IT WAS NOT! You will be ASTONISHED to see the true history of GOD'S Church. This true history, authentically documented WITH NE ...

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John A Halford, John Curry & Pedro Melendez Jr  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1982

Alcohol has always been a traditional part of Asian society. Yet in most Asian countries alcoholism has not reached the epidemic proportions seen in the West. Why? Southeast Asians, and especially the Chinese, drink copiously, yet addiction to alcohol seems to be uncommon. There is a reason. Most dr ...

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On the Road to Ruin? On the Road to Ruin?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1978

We've come a long way since the early days of the Republic, when the federal budget amounted to a few "paltry" tens of millions of dollars. It took a full 173 years-from the founding of the United States in 1789 until 1962 - for America's national budget to hit the staggering $100 bill ...

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Keith W Stump  -  Plain Truth   -  June 1984

It is the spring of 1945. The fighting in Europe is over. Never has war been more destructive. The human and material losses are incalculable. The staggering enormity of the tragedy gradually becomes clear. The appalling cost in human lives totals more than 40 million civilian and military deaths. E ...

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The History of Europe and the Church The History of Europe and the Church   Part Ten         
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics   -  1984

IT IS the spring of 1945. The fighting in Europe is over. Never has war been more destructive. The human and material losses are incalculable. The staggering enormity of the tragedy gradually becomes clear. The appalling cost in human lives totals more than 40 million civilian and military deaths. E ...

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The Plain Truth about the Protestant Reformation The Plain Truth about the Protestant Reformation  -  Chapter I   
Roderick C Meredith  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  May 1956

THE PROTESTANT movement today is on trial. The Protestant Reformation has spawned a veritable Babylon of hundreds of differing denominations. They vary in faith and practice all the way from fundamentalist Quakers to modern Congregationalists, from primitive Methodists to Christian Scientists, from ...

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Lesson 4 - The Coming Utopia - Wonderful World Tomorrow! Lesson 4 - The Coming Utopia - Wonderful World Tomorrow!
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 32-Lesson   -  1983

For ages men have dreamed of a utopian paradise on earth. Nations have struggled and millions have died in its quest. But utopia has eluded all the efforts of men. Why? Is utopia really possible? Are world peace and prosperity coming soon? Here are the surprising answers from your Bible! ...

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