New TV And Radio Programs New TV And Radio Programs
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Worldwide News   -  March 24, 1980

A new office and broadcasting studio is now nearing completion here in Tucson. I am setting myself to the task of producing six new half-hour TV programs a week, and also seven new radio programs a week, in addition to general executive management and oversight of the entire Work of the Church, Amba ...

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Richard F Plache & Gary L Alexander  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1968

Japan, the industrial supergiant of the Orient, is once again determined to build an empire. Japan's approach is for different from that which led to World War II. Read this surprising report on Japan's strategy and the prophesied outcome! Japan is again on the march! The latest offensive has al ...

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Should a Christian Fight? Should a Christian Fight?  -  Chapter VII   
Leroy Neff  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  May 1962

Theologians have frequently used Romans 13 to justify their teaching of ''Christian" participation in warfare. The theological argument about this text concerns the command to be subject to the higher Powers. If the higher governmental powers require us to fight, then we must fight. Such reasoni ...

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Why God Is Not Real to Most People Why God Is Not Real to Most People
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  May 1971

Millions who claim to believe in God would be shocked if they knew the actual SOURCE of their belief and practice. I WONDER if you are like the person who said to me: "I believe in God, but it seems like God is so far off - so UNREAL!" WHY do most people feel this way? Then again, I have o ...

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St. Valentine's Day - where did it come from? St. Valentine's Day - where did it come from?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1965

Where did the custom of exchanging valentines originate? How did Christians come to inherit this ancient Roman custom? Why do we find no such practice commanded anywhere in the Bible? A Christian Custom? It is time we questioned why parents encourage children to celebrate St. Valentine's Day - whe ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - January 19, 1962 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - January 19, 1962
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  January 19, 1962

GREETINGS in Jesus' name! Here we are, already well into the year 1962. Events will move faster this year than ever. The WORLD will plunge one year closer to its END—and the dawn of the happy WORLD TOMORROW! We who are the instruments Jesus Christ is using in GOD'S WORK must keep pace. One big l ...

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Question Box Question Box
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  September 1953

Question: Should a Christian Woman Obey Her Unconverted Husband? Answer: This question has troubled many women who have been called to a knowledge of the truth before their husbands have been called. They are faced with a tremendous problem which may cause much needless worry and anxiety until the p ...

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What the Holy Spirit Can Do For YOU! What the Holy Spirit Can Do For YOU!
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  November 1961

Do you know what the Holy Spirit really IS? Do you realize the POWER it can make available to you? Are you plagued with fears, worries and personal frustrations? Do you have bad habits which seem almost impossible to break? Do you have an exciting, challenging PURPOSE in life? Or are you often despo ...

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Just What Do You Mean - Repentance? Just What Do You Mean - Repentance?
Leslie L McCullough  -  Tomorrow's World   -  December 1971

You've probably all heard during your lifetime that you should repent — BUT HOW? What do you repent of? Where does it come from? Read in this article the steps to TRUE repentance. ...

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The Plain Truth about the PROTESTANT Reformation - Part VIII The Plain Truth about the PROTESTANT Reformation - Part VIII
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1959

Did the Protestant reformers get back to the "faith once delivered"? Were they led by God's Holy Spirit? The naked FACTS in this series of articles are a revelation of long-hidden truth! The startling fact that rank paganism came in and took over the early professing Christian church is ...

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Just What Do You Mean - Repentance? Just What Do You Mean - Repentance?
Leslie L McCullough  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1964

You have always heard you should repent - BUT HOW? Where does repentance come from? How do you get it? Read, in this article, the steps to true repentance. We are told daily that a great moral awakening, a renewed religious fervor, is sweeping the English-speaking world. But awakening to what? Renew ...

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A Tribute to Anwar Sadat A Tribute to Anwar Sadat
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  October 10, 1981

On Tuesday, October 6th, 1981, in a matter of moments, the entire course of world history suddenly was changed. The assassination of President Anwar Sadat of Egypt following closely, as it did on the attempted assassinations of President Ronald Reagan of the United States and Pope John Paul the Seco ...

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Gerhard O Marx  -  Plain Truth   -  March-April 1972

Here is the surprising story of how a pagan festival came to be regarded as a Christian holiday. Have you ever wondered what colored eggs have to do with the death of Jesus Christ? And what Easter rabbits and "hot-cross" buns have to do with a supposed Sunday resurrection? How did a Christian world ...

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The Good Samaritan The Good Samaritan
Worldwide Church of God  -  Special Topics   -  1978

If you combine all of God's laws (as Christ did), all of God's laws and prophets come to two great principles - love toward God and love toward your neighbor. But there's a problem. If you don't know who your neighbor is, how can you love him? Reading in Matthew 22:37: a lawyer came to Chris ...

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Should a Christian Fight? Should a Christian Fight?
Leroy Neff  -  Good News   -  October 1960

Wars and rumors of wars are increasing. They are affecting you and your family more and more. Should you, as a member of this Church, bear arms? Should you come under the military authority in a non-combatant capacity. Here is God's teaching for members of this Church. WAR IS big business today. E ...

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