If You Had Seen Peter's Vision... If You Had Seen Peter's Vision...
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  January 1979

Would you have decided Christians may eat as food "all kinds of animals, and reptiles and birds of the air"? Did Christ, by a vision, make all unclean animals good for food? Suppose you had lived in the days of the apostles, and you were hungry at noontime as Peter was. The meal was not yet rea ...

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Immortality of the Soul? Immortality of the Soul?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1953

Death is NOT the separation of body and soul! Read how the fable of the immortality of the soul crept into the Christian world TWO centuries after the Crucifixion. Ever since human beings appeared on this earth, they have all shared one common fate - DEATH. Whether rich or poor, young or old, we all ...

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IN THE KINGDOM - WHAT Will Each Church Member's Duty Be? IN THE KINGDOM - WHAT Will Each Church Member's Duty Be?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  December 1963

You were born to rule. Only those who learn to rule now - in this life - will be saved! Understand why! HAVE you ever thought about what YOUR JOB will be in the Kingdom? About what Christ will have you do in the millennium? About how you qualify for that responsibility? What Christ Expects of Every ...

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In this Atomic Age... is the BIBLE out-of-date? In this Atomic Age... is the BIBLE out-of-date?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  February-March 1954

This world is sick! People are fearful of the future! Do we need a NEW approach to spiritual problems? Nearly everywhere we hear men declare that a "new concept of God and morality" is necessary. The Bible, they say, is impractical. It is filled with superstition and errors. Indeed, someth ...

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Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1967

Continued, in this issue, is an eye-opening report of a 2,500 mile tour behind the Iron Curtain by editors of The PLAIN TRUTH. Here are the FACTS about the new nationalism sweeping Romania. Bucuresti, Romania; A new kind of revolution is sweeping Romania. It is a revolution from the top down. It is ...

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Inside COMMUNIST Yugoslavia Inside COMMUNIST Yugoslavia
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  November 1952

What is it really like in a Communist State? Are the people happy and prosperous under a "People's Government" as the propagandists say? What about the freedom of religion in Yugoslavia? OUR HUNDREDS of miles of travel in Yugoslavia has been an astounding revelation to us. Unless one has been here ...

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Inside Story of the Coronation Inside Story of the Coronation
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1953

Here is the little-known, but gripping inside account of England's royal family - of Elizabeth II. A queen has been crowned - a queen of the oldest ruling dynasty in the world! For weeks London has been filled with festive preparations for the coronation of Elizabeth II. The whole world waited in ...

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Is Church Unity Coming? Is Church Unity Coming?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1960

Can Protestants and Catholics get together in the coming Vatican Council? What is the CAUSE of division in the Christian world? What is the SOURCE OF UNITY? Here's the startling answer! The dramatic decision of Pope John XXIII to call a universal Church Council burst upon the public on January 25, ...

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Is GLADEWATER the PLACE for the Feast of Tabernacles? Is GLADEWATER the PLACE for the Feast of Tabernacles?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  August 1959

Who determines WHERE to hold the Festival of Tabernacles? Is each individual member to decide for himself the place to hold it? Here is the Bible evidence that Gladewater is the place! THERE is authority for observing the Feast of Tabernacles at Gladewater, Texas! It is time you understood it! How c ...

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Is GOD the Author of Ceremony? Is GOD the Author of Ceremony?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  October 1963

Is it proper to take photographs during religious services, baptisms, or marriage ceremonies? Here is an answer we all need to understand. IS IT proper to have flashing light bulbs, strobe lights, tripods and general disturbance in order to take photographs during an annual Holy Day at the Feast of ...

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Is GOD the Author of Ceremony? Is GOD the Author of Ceremony?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  April 1961

Is it proper to take photographs during religious services, baptisms, or marriage ceremonies? Here is an answer we all need to understand. IS IT proper to have flashing light bulbs, strob lights, tripods and general disturbance in order to take photographs during an annual holy day at the Feast of T ...

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Is It a SIN to Have INSURANCE? Is It a SIN to Have INSURANCE?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  May 1957

What does the Bible say about insurance? Is it a lack of faith to have insurance? IT WILL come as a surprise, but the Bible does say something about insurance! The problem of owning insurance has perplexed many in the Church. It is often reasoned by those who do not have insurance that it would be s ...

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Is the BIBLE out-of-date in the SPACE AGE? Is the BIBLE out-of-date in the SPACE AGE?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1958

Read the answers to this CHALLENGING question! The creation of earth satellites has shocked the world. Everywhere we hear world leaders cry out for a "new concept of God and morality." But where are we to find this "new concept" in this materialistic SPACE AGE? Is the Bible the s ...

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Is the BIBLE True? Is the BIBLE True?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  July 1959

Can we believe the Bible? Is it historically true? Here is one surprising proof that it IS true! DID the children of Israel really cross the Red Sea? We are told in the Bible that Israel fled Egypt during the Days of Unleavened Bread. That they were driven out because the Egyptians had been supernat ...

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Is the Feast of Tabernacles commanded in the NEW TESTAMENT? Is the Feast of Tabernacles commanded in the NEW TESTAMENT?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  January 1959

Is there Proof IN THE NEW TESTAMENT that Christ, the apostle Paul and the New Testament Church observed the Feast of Tabernacles? - and Proof that we too are commanded to observe it? THE CHURCH OF GOD today is a New Testament Church. And in the New Testament is PROOF - astounding proof - that the ap ...

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