Inside the Book of Revelation Inside the Book of Revelation   Chapter Ten         
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics

The 20th chapter of Revelation sketches a brief outline of God's plan for human beings. It briefly answers the question people have asked through the centuries, "What happens to the dead who lived and died through the millennia?" Revelation 20 portrays "the souls of those who had been behead ...

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The U.S. in Prophecy - Part 2 The U.S. in Prophecy - Part 2
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Well greetings friends. This is Herbert W. Armstrong with the Good News of the World Tomorrow. And, yes, there is good news ahead. But today's news once again is not good. I've been telling you that top scientists say that we have come to the time when all human life can be destroyed. No human l ...

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Spiritism Fraud... or Fact? Spiritism Fraud... or Fact?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  August 1984

Can men actually communicate with departed spirits? What about the witch of Endor? What does the Bible say of spiritism? Is there anything to spiritism? Granted, there is trickery and deception. Houdini, one of the greatest trick artists of modern times, exposed numerous frauds. So also have Thursto ...

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Keith W Stump  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1983

If human experience has shown one thing, it is this: No human government has been able to achieve lasting peace or prosperity! Why? Why have human governments failed throughout history? Why have they been unsuccessful in achieving the two chief goals they set for themselves: peace and prosperity? Th ...

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Is It True That...? - Part 2 Is It True That...? - Part 2
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  February 1974

In the last issue of The Good News we learned that God hates gossip and we saw from the Bible itself (flat slander pandering is an enormous evil for which God will hold the guilty responsible. But what about "the right to know"? Today, the Watergate hearings and subsequent subpoenas of tapes wi ...

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MINISTUDY: The Forgotten Law of Financial Success MINISTUDY: The Forgotten Law of Financial Success
Richard H Sedliacik  -  Good News   -  March 1984

Few people realize that financial success is governed by a living, dynamic law of God. Still fewer actually believe God's promise to bless those who comply with that law. You can't afford to be unaware of this fundamental law of financial success - and of this law's spiritual implications! Let ...

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SPIRITISM Fraud... or Fact? SPIRITISM Fraud... or Fact?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Special Topics   -  1955

Can men actually communicate with departed spirits? What about the witch of Endor? What does the Bible say of Spiritism? Is there anything to Spiritism? Granted there is trickery and deception. Houdini, one of the greatest trick-artists of modern times, exposed numerous frauds. So also have Thurston ...

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Lessons from the Master Potter Lessons from the Master Potter
Raymond F McNair  -  Good News   -  October-November 1980

Life was meant to be full of trials, tests and temptations - all intended to build beautiful, godlike character in man. Many of you have experienced - or are experiencing - severe trials and tests. Unfortunately, some buckle under the pressure instead of learning the vital lessons these trial ...

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John R Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1979

"More than three out of five Americans will live to see the twenty-first century," said a recent striking insurance advertisement. Undoubtedly such an optimistic estimate is based on accurate actuarial tables. But insurance company predictions do not consider the missing dimension of Bible prophecy. ...

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WHY NOT? The Age of Blah! WHY NOT? The Age of Blah!
David Jon Hill  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1977

We live in an age of Blah - despite space travel, potential thermonuclear extinction, increase in major earthquakes, unprecedented population-explosion / famine bomb about to explode, runaway inflation (with world depression on its heels), a plethora of crises from ecology to education. We live in a ...

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TWELVE RULES for Bible Study TWELVE RULES for Bible Study
David Jon Hill  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1964

Why is the Bible the most misunderstood book in all history? The most twisted, distorted, maligned, misrepresented and lied-about book there is? Because people refuse to believe it means exactly what it says! This second installment explains twelve simple, basic rules to help you understand the plai ...

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Keith W Stump  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1980

If 6,000 years of human experience have shown one thing, it is this: No human government has been able to achieve lasting peace or prosperity! Why? Why have human governments failed so miserably throughout history? Why have they been so unsuccessful in achieving the two chief goals they set for them ...

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Christ Said - WATCH! Christ Said - WATCH!
Charles F Hunting  -  Good News   -  September 1967

What did Christ mean? You may not know the answer. Your future safety will depend on HOW you watch! Learn to avoid the tragedy of USELESS watching. JUNE 4, 1967. The world stood in numb suspense as Israeli and Arab belligerents faced each other on the borders of Israel. ...

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IN THE KINGDOM - WHAT Will Each Church Member's Duty Be? IN THE KINGDOM - WHAT Will Each Church Member's Duty Be?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  December 1963

You were born to rule. Only those who learn to rule now - in this life - will be saved! Understand why! HAVE you ever thought about what YOUR JOB will be in the Kingdom? About what Christ will have you do in the millennium? About how you qualify for that responsibility? What Christ Expects of Every ...

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SPIRITISM Fraud... or Fact? SPIRITISM Fraud... or Fact?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1955

Can men actually communicate with departed spirits? What about the witch of Endor? What does the Bible say of Spiritism? Is there anything to Spiritism? Granted there is trickery and deception. Houdini, one of the greatest trick-artists of modern times, exposed numerous frauds. So also have Thurston ...

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