How Christ Now Sets Ambassador College Back On Track How Christ Now Sets Ambassador College Back On Track
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  July 17, 1978

The DEADLY LEAVEN of Higher Education: I WAS NEVER CALLED to engage in the college business. But by 1947 the need had become imperative to establish an educational arm of the Church on the college level. It definitely was NOT because this world needed another college. There were too many of this wor ...

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The Plain Truth about the Protestant Reformation The Plain Truth about the Protestant Reformation  -  Chapter XI   
Roderick C Meredith  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  May 1956

We have examined the basic foundations of the Protestant churches today. We have gone to the source of the "divided Christendom" of our time. If there is any one thing that all religionists agree upon, it is in lamenting the fact that the Protestant reformers have bequeathed to us a religi ...

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The Knowledge Paradox The Knowledge Paradox
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  November 13, 1981

A brilliant minded and highly educated doctor of philosophy might ask today, how much education did Jesus Christ have? After all, there's no record of His having gone to any University if they had such Universities in that day as we have today. Today one goes to school and finally to the Universit ...

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Lesson 6 - What is HELL? Lesson 6 - What is HELL?
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 32-Lesson   -  1984

Even if you are a faithful, believing Christian, you may go to hell! Many of your loved ones are right now in hell! But don't be alarmed. You probably have never heard the TRUTH about what "hell" really is - and where most ideas on the subject came from. Just what does the Bible teach ab ...

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Not In Heaven Not In Heaven
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

You have loved ones who have died; where are they now? Are they seeing you? Are you going to see them again? And when, and how? Do they know what you're doing now? You know, when I was first married my wife told me that her mother had died when she was twelve years old. And she believed that her m ...

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Leroy Neff  -  Good News   -  May 1962

Many of our young men are being faced with needless draft problems. Here is a brief article showing how to avoid them. A FEW months ago, a man from God's Church who was in the military reserves was called back into service. After being assigned to a unit, he found himself in all sorts of trouble a ...

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The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers
Plain Truth Staff  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1963

Question: Romans 5:12 says, "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men...." Does this mean we are guilty of Adam's sin? Must WE also pay the penalty for his sin? Answer: When God created the physical earth and placed man upon ...

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Read The Book Read The Book
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1977

Wait a minute, don't adjust your home set, please. There's probably nothing wrong with the focus there at home. It's just that this book remains almost entirely out of focus to most people because they never get around to reading it. This is called the Bible and almost everybody has one and al ...

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World Crisis in Leadership World Crisis in Leadership
Raymond F McNair  -  Good News   -  January 1975

There is a crisis of leadership, worldwide! Where are the modern Churchills, Eisenhowers, DeGaulles or Adenauers? Where are today's David's, Elijahs, Abrahams? Where can today's nations find men with the ability and quality of character to take over the reins of government? Problems Without So ...

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Never Before Understood Never Before Understood
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  November 2, 1981

I want to bring you now something never understood until this time, something of tremendous importance. I ask you, why? And I'm going to answer, why do we live in a world of such awesome progress, such remarkable advancement as we're having in this 20th century, and still at the same time, such ...

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Personal from the Editor Personal from the Editor
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1963

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - SOME of the teachings in the Bible are a little hard - for the average thinking mind to understand. James tells us to count it all joy when trials, ordeals, reverses, beset us. Troubles a JOY? That's pretty hard to accept, isn't it? And, for the average person ...

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God and the Hoary Head God and the Hoary Head
Gary King  -  Good News   -  June-July 1984

God's approach to old age is surprising! Here's how older Christians can lead more productive and rewarding lives. Every day I pray that I will die!" The speaker was an elderly woman confined to a wheelchair. Life in an "old-folks home" had become unbearable for her. She was lonel ...

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Preparing for the Ministry Preparing for the Ministry  -  Section 1   
Robert G Morton  -  Study Tools   -  1975

God places an important responsibility on the leading members of His Church. If new people don't see us living God's way of life and benefiting from it, they won't buy it! 2 Corinthians 6:16, 18 "I will dwell in them and walk in them." What do they see and experience in us? Are they ...

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Just what do you mean... KINGDOM of GOD? Just what do you mean... KINGDOM of GOD?
Ambassador College  -  Booklet   -  1962

Is it the CHURCH? Is it something "set up in the hearts of men?" Is it the British Empire? Is it "the Good within you?" Is it "the Millennium?" Each of these is widely taught - yet none is right! The shocking TRUTH is here made PLAIN! WHY cannot the churches agree on what is the GOSPEL? Jesus Christ ...

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Lesson 18 - What Is The True Gospel? Lesson 18 - What Is The True Gospel?
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 32-Lesson   -  1984

Jesus Christ came to earth almost 2000 years ago to announce a message from God. He was killed for bringing it! What was that message? ...

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