Lesson 38 - The Feast of Tabernacles - The World Tomorrow Lesson 38 - The Feast of Tabernacles - The World Tomorrow
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1965   Revision 865

Feast of Tabernacles - THE WORLD TOMORROW. IS GOD trying to save the whole world NOW? HAS God, for almost 6000 years, been competing with Satan? Has He been desperately trying to wrest the world from Satan's control? This is the common teaching today. It makes Satan appear to be winning! But what ...

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Lesson 38 - The Feast of Tabernacles - The World Tomorrow Lesson 38 - The Feast of Tabernacles - The World Tomorrow
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1965   Revision 10M1068

WHAT about it? Is God trying to save the whole world. Now? Has God, for almost 6000 years, been competing with Satan? Has He been desperately trying to wrest the world from Satan's control? This is the common teaching today. It makes Satan appear to be winning! But what does the Bible say? When Go ...

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The Foundations of Biblical Criticisms The Foundations of Biblical Criticisms
Ronald L Dart  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1969

The Bible Superstition or Authority? - Theology In Chaos - Here's Why the Critics Can't Ignore the Prophets - The Bible Judges the Critics; Man would like to get rid of the Bible. He's tried. for some reason, however, that ancient Book refuses to roll over and play dead. It keeps on impartiall ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 22, 1974 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 22, 1974
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  February 22, 1974

I am en route to Manila for the FIRST of the world PUBLIC APPEARANCE campaigns next Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. This is an historic FIRST! It is the first PUBLIC meeting, hopefully before audiences of many thousands, in world capitals resulting from approvals and endorsements from the very T ...

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United States of EUROPE IS COMING! United States of EUROPE IS COMING!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  November 27, 1982

I learned a number of things in Europe. In Europe I talked with heads of government, especially in Athens and in Spain. I had a very fine meeting with the king of Spain, King Juan Carlos, whom I had met eight years before when he was the Crown Prince; and he was very glad to see me again. And in fac ...

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God's Master Plan God's Master Plan
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  Last Great Day   -  October 2, 1980

Well, greetings everybody, all over the United States and Canada, and in England. And I don't know, but I feel sure that some of our brethren from Europe and over on the Continent have come over to England and will be there with us today. I understand that you've all been able to hear the specia ...

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The Mystery of Man The Mystery of Man
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1986

We continue, with this fifth installment, the serial publication of Herbert W. Armstrong's latest book Mystery of the Ages. IT SEEMS incredible indeed! Higher education teaches technical courses in human physiology, anatomy, anthropology and psychology. The universities take man apart and study hi ...

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Against the Gates of Hell Against the Gates of Hell  -  Appendices   
Stanley R Rader  -  Reference Book   -  1980

The Church and its Doctrines; THE Worldwide Church of God is a Christian church whose I doctrines are based on a literal interpretation of the Old and New Testaments. Church leaders believe that the prime duty of the modern Christian Church is to preach actively the Gospel of the Kingdom of God thro ...

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Difficult Scriptures Difficult Scriptures
Church of God  -  Study Tools

Gen. 6:1-4 - Disprove: Angels married women and engendered a race of giants. Answer: This scripture does not say that angels married women. It states that the sons of God "took them wives of all which they chose" (verse 2). These sons of God were not angels. The fact is that angels cannot ...

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Mystery Of The Ages Mystery Of The Ages  -  Chapter 3    The Mystery of Man
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1985

IT SEEMS incredible indeed! Higher education teaches technical courses in human physiology, anatomy, anthropology and psychology. The universities take man apart and study him minutely inch by inch. They study every facet and phase of man. They take the human brain apart and study it, yet the human ...

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Lesson 11 - Why You Need The Holy Spirit Lesson 11 - Why You Need The Holy Spirit
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1977   Revision 7526/8012

Mankind is engaged in a frustrating search for answers to the problems of humanity. Yet the real answers have eluded this world's greatest thinkers. Only the Creator God has the ultimate answer — if we are willing to seek and accept it! AFTER teaching His disciples for three and one half years, Je ...

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A Handbook of Church History A Handbook of Church History  -  Chapter V - Series: 3   
Dean C Blackwell  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1973

Quoting again from Jones: Their elders and officers do not appear distinguished from their brethren by dress or names. No reverends! No Rabbis, Holy fathers! They don't have a collar turned backward. Every Christian was considered capable in a certain measure, of instructing others, and of confirm ...

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The Real Jesus The Real Jesus  -  Chapter 19   
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Book   -  1977

It was the month of Nisan in the land of Palestine, and a prettier spring one could hardly remember. This "beginning of months" in the Jewish calendar (corresponding roughly to the latter part of our March and the first of April) marked the end of three-and-one-half years of Jesus' ministry, and t ...

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Seven Proofs Of The True Church - Proof No. 5-6 Seven Proofs Of The True Church - Proof No. 5-6
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  December 04, 1978

WHERE is the one and only true Church today - the Church founded by Jesus Christ in A.D. 31? Seven major eye-opening proofs identify it unmistakably. Could anything sound more unbelievable? To say the true Gospel of Jesus Christ was not proclaimed to the world during 19 whole centuries - from the mi ...

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In the Beginning... Answers to Questions from Genesis In the Beginning... Answers to Questions from Genesis
Worldwide Church of God  -  Special Topics   -  1980

Genesis is the "book of origins." It constitutes that part of the Bible which is commonly called the introductory book of the Old Testament. The name Genesis is derived directly from the Greek translation of the Hebrew word bereshith, meaning" in the beginning." The book of Genesis starts with a bri ...

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