And when you see the ABOMINATION... And when you see the ABOMINATION...
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1963

Christ pointed to a SINGLE, MONUMENTAL EVENT more than any other which would warn of His RETURN TO THIS EARTH! You need to know WHAT IS THAT EVENT - and to WATCH for it! You are living in the death throes of civilization! NEVER have there been rimes such as these! Simultaneously, the world writhes i ...

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NEVER BEFORE UNDERSTOOD Why Humanity Cannot Solve Its Evils NEVER BEFORE UNDERSTOOD Why Humanity Cannot Solve Its Evils
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1981

Today nuclear weapons threaten human extinction. WHY? What happens now? This is one of the most important articles Mr. Armstrong has ever written. The reader is advised to carefully read every scripture quotation given. The Bible is unlike any other book. Like a jigsaw puzzle, it is made up of thous ...

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Why Did God Put You in His Church? Why Did God Put You in His Church?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  May 1974

God had a most important purpose in calling you now, instead of later. Are you really mindful of His purpose are you really fulfilling it? REALIZE THIS! There are more than 3,600,050,000 human beings (three billion, six hundred million, fifty thousand) on earth today. But of that vast sea of h ...

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Why Are We Here? Why Are We Here?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  Feast of Tabernacles   -  October 6, 1978

Well greetings everybody! This is the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles, and let me ask as I used to ask year after year in times past, why are we here? Well let me say once again, as I have said so many times through the years, we are here to look forward into, and to as it were, enjoy a part o ...

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Lesson 28 - Feast Of Trumpets - Why World Won't End in Cosmocide Lesson 28 - Feast Of Trumpets - Why World Won't End in Cosmocide
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 32-Lesson   -  1984

The Feast of Trumpets pictures the singularly most important event in world history - the Second Coming of Jesus Christ! WHY are the churches of this world confused over the most important knowledge available to this generation? ...

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Festival 84 - Ideas You Can Use Festival 84 - Ideas You Can Use
Clayton D Steep  -  Good News   -  September 1984

How many times have you observed the Feast of Tabernacles? Twenty, 10, five? How many times will you observe the Feast in the future? It's hard to say, isn't it? We don't really know whether it will be five or six times or 10 times or more - or less - do we? What if you only had one more Feast ...

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The New Testament Teaching on Law and Grace The New Testament Teaching on Law and Grace
William F Dankenbring  -  Special Topics   -  1971

No question excites more controversy among professing Christians! God's Law abolished? Does Grace do away with Law? Here is what your Bible says — the plain teaching of your New Testament! MANY sincere people believe God's Law is "done away." "It was nailed to the cross," they say. ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1978

We are now in the second-almost the third-generation of the Worldwide Church of God. Many if not most Plain Truth readers today know little or nothing about its origin, history, source and nature of its government, and how it came to believe what it believes, or how those beliefs were put by the liv ...

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Why The Church? Why The Church?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  March 6, 1982

I would like to ask this afternoon, and also to answer, "WHY the Church?" Why should there be the Church? There are churches all over the western world. They're attended every Sunday by a good section of the population. Do most people realize why there should be a church, or do they just take it f ...

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Truth About Make-Up Truth About Make-Up
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Booklet   -  1964

Should women wear makeup? Is it a SIN? Here are the eye-opening FACTS - where, when, by whom, and why the use of makeup originated - its history, and what the BIBLE says about it! EVEN TO SO much as ask the question, "Is it wrong - is it a sin to wear makeup on the face?" might seem a little ridicul ...

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Feast of Trumpets 1985 Feast of Trumpets 1985
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  Trumpets   -  September 16, 1985

Well, brethren, we are gathered here today on a very solemn Sabbath day. I doubt if we fully realize just how serious and how solemn it is. I hope I can make that a little more plain and simple to you this afternoon. We are here to be reminded of a day that is a foreshadow of the most tremendous eve ...

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Romans 1-5 Romans 1-5
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Bible Study (Audio/Video)   -  June 6, 1980

We were finishing up the book of Galatians that I think we had finished that in about two studies. And, I think if anyone had understood Galatians, that they would understand Romans. But I thought it might be good if we would go through Romans this time. It's a little longer book. And I think that ...

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Why The Holy Days? Why The Holy Days?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  Last Great Day   -  October 13, 1979

Now, there might be some little problem of discerning, exactly, whether that meant the day that really followed the Feast of Tabernacles. Because they were still all there, just like we are today. Or whether that meant the last of the seven days, which would have been yesterday in our time of this F ...

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Spiritual Health Checkup Spiritual Health Checkup
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  April 16, 1983

Last night in the Bible Study I was reading to you from I Corinthians the 11th chapter and verse 22. I would like to read it again. In verse 28, I should say - verse 28. I Corinthians 11:28 But [and this is just before the Passover, but] let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread an ...

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How Good and How Pleasant How Good and How Pleasant
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  Feast of Tabernacles   -  September 29, 1985

I have been observing these festivals now for 58 years, longer than any of you. And so I look on you as my children; and I am going to talk to you tonight as a father. Now I have a Bible in front of me. But, you know, I can't read a word of it. Last year, when I talked to you on this program the n ...

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