This is the Life - Real Abundant Living! This is the Life - Real Abundant Living!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  December 1971

WHY DO religious people often seem to feel that their religious life must be one of giving up all the fun and the enjoyment of living? — that in order to please God, they must endure a life of morbid gloom? ...

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GN Focus: When Will I Ever Overcome? GN Focus: When Will I Ever Overcome?
John A Halford  -  Good News   -  April 1984

Bill was really upset. His carefully planned campaign for overcoming had just fallen apart. He had been baptized only a few weeks earlier, and he was full of enthusiasm to grow spiritually. He realized that sin was a powerful enemy, but he was sure that with diligent planning he could make steady pr ...

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Just What Is a Co-worker? Just What Is a Co-worker?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  August 1982

A personal explanation by the founder and editor-in-chief. THE GOOD NEWS has been made available to many other than members of the Worldwide Church of God - in fact, a year's subscription is available free (no subscription price) to any interested enough to subscribe and read - although it is the ...

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Roger G Lippross  -  Pastor General's Report   -  May 14, 1979

Frank Brown, Director of the Work in England and Gordon Graham, Manager of our printing plant, were here in Pasadena this past week for talks with Brian Knowles, Jack Bicket and the various department managers. We discussed the publishing needs of the English-speaking Work in Europe! and went over p ...

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Our Energy Binge Is Over! Our Energy Binge Is Over!
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  June 1977

Amazingly enough, there are still people who continue to maintain that the energy crisis is merely a contrivance of the big oil companies to drive up the price. of gasoline. Such persons refuse to believe that this nation, and in fact the whole world, is confronted with an emergency situation with r ...

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God's Temple in Prophecy God's Temple in Prophecy  -  Chapter II   
Leroy Neff  -  Reference Book   -  March 1961

Many religious scholars do not really know what God's temples were like. They are divided in their conclusions. Each man has his own opinion. Even in major points they sometimes disagree completely. By comparing the usual drawings and models of Solomon's temple, it is immediately noted that n ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - July 20, 1976 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - July 20, 1976
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  July 20, 1976

This morning at 5:12 a.m. (Pacific Daylight Time), I sat in our Ambassador Auditorium here in Pasadena, looking in on Mission Control headquarters, located only walking distance away, as scientists manipulated at JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) the safe landing of VIKING I on Mars. The JPL scientist ...

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How You Would LIVE If You Were How You Would LIVE If You Were "JUST AVERAGE"
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1966

What if you LOST, overnight, your present standard of living? What if you became, suddenly, Mr. and Mrs. "Average World"? What would you have? How would you live? Read these shocking FACTS about the ENORMOUS wealth of our peoples, and be THANKFUL, as you never have before! Our national inh ...

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The Quest For Immortality The Quest For Immortality
John R Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1978

No living being naturally wants to die. But the stark fact of death is with us whether we like it or not. No human being has yet avoided death. And all living things begin to die as soon as they are born. There is no apparent escape. Throughout history man has been painfully aware of his own mortali ...

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NEW TESTAMENT Fact or Fiction? NEW TESTAMENT Fact or Fiction?
John R Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  February-March 1985

A 1984 British television series called Jesus: The Evidence left viewers to question how much of the New Testament is fact, how much fantasy. Can we trust the written records of the early church? Did its members distinguish between legend and fact? Did they leave us an authoritative record of what J ...

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Rid Yourself of the Dark Shroud of MENTAL DEPRESSION Rid Yourself of the Dark Shroud of MENTAL DEPRESSION
Donald D Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1981

Perhaps you are needlessly experiencing the feeling of hopelessness and despair. Isn't it time you understood the reasons for this all-too-common human affliction? It is a tragic but real fact of life. Mental depression has run like a heavy dark thread throughout the fabric of human history. Men a ...

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Lesson 12 - History And Archaeology Prove The Bible True Lesson 12 - History And Archaeology Prove The Bible True
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1966   Revision 40M269

IS THERE proof outside the Bible that the events described in Scripture really happened — that its great characters actually lived? Where is the proof that Joseph was in Egypt? — that Abraham and his ancestors really existed? — that David was actually king of Israel? — and, above all, that Christ an ...

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The Real Jesus The Real Jesus  -  Chapter 12   
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Book   -  1977

A miracle is a miracle is a miracle. There is no such thing as "little miracles" or "big miracles." Jesus performed many miracles during the course of His ministry, and, may have performed, at least on rare occasions, private miracles for family members or perhaps a neighborhood friend. However, to ...

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MINISTUDY: How Christ Will Rule the World Tomorrow MINISTUDY: How Christ Will Rule the World Tomorrow
Richard H Sedliacik  -  Good News   -  August 1982

Great statesmen and leading scientists have openly stated that man's only hope for world peace lies in world government - one universal government wielding supreme power and authority over all nations. But these same leaders also admit that the nations could never bring about a world-ruling govern ...

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A Voice Cries Out Amid Religious Confusion A Voice Cries Out Amid Religious Confusion  -  Chapter 6   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1980

COULD ANYTHING BE more unbelievable? To say that the Gospel of Jesus Christ was not proclaimed to the world for 1,900 years—100 time cycles—from the middle of the first century until the middle of the 20th—assuredly sounds preposterous. And yet that happened! One may well ask: "But hasn't the Gosp ...

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