Faith Faith
Greg R Albrecht  -  Sermon   -  September 6, 1980

Well good afternoon to you all. This week we had some rather special visitors here on the Ambassador Campus, two long time members of the Church had been visiting here in California for several days, but they've been unable to see the Campus until just Wednesday afternoon. They like so many, many ...

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Lawson C Briggs  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1978

Whitsunday," says the Encyclopaedia Britannica, is "one of the three major festivals of the Christian Church" (article "Whitsunday," 1973 edition). But you will never find it by that name in the Bible. Instead, you will read of Christians observing "Pentecost," a term derived from the Greek language ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - March 31, 1959 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - March 31, 1959
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  March 31, 1959

GREETINGS, in Jesus' name! I'm sending you the special letter with news about the coming PASSOVER and DAYS OF UNLEAVENED BREAD. And I have GOOD NEWS for you! This year, for the first time, we will be holding the full eight day's Feast at FOUR SEPARATE LOCATIONS! And, for the first time, the Pa ...

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Personal from Herbert W Armstrong Personal from Herbert W Armstrong
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1980

Forty-sixth anniversary message from Peking [Beijing], China, by the founder and editor in chief. I AM WRITING this 46th anniversary "Personal" from our apartment where Mrs. Armstrong and I are being housed by the government in the guest "State House," in Peking [Beijing], China. It is indeed a grat ...

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Today's Greatest Religious Hoax! - Installment 9 Today's Greatest Religious Hoax! - Installment 9
C Paul Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1960

Do you know that hundreds of years before Christ was born, a false "savior" appeared on this earth? He claimed to be "supernaturally conceived." That man is the one whom the world accepts as ifs "Savior" today - though if calls him falsely by the name of Jesus! PART IX. ...

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MINISTUDY: Pentecost Pictures the 'Firstfruits' in God's Plan MINISTUDY: Pentecost Pictures the 'Firstfruits' in God's Plan
Richard H Sedliacik  -  Good News   -  May 1983

God's master plan continues to unfold before your very eyes! As you discovered in the last two ministudies, there are seven annual festivals picturing God's plan of salvation for mankind. God instituted these festivals to remind His Church year after year of how He is bringing about His stupendo ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - December 28, 1980 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - December 28, 1980
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  December 28, 1980

Enclosed is your annual receipt for payment of God's tithes and giving of your freewill offerings for the calendar year 1980. Separate receipts will be mailed for Worldwide Church of God and for Ambassador College. On behalf of Jesus Christ, and with all my heart, I thank you for your faithfulness ...

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Three Years Ahead of Schedule... The UNITED STATES of EUROPE! Three Years Ahead of Schedule... The UNITED STATES of EUROPE!
Gene H Hogberg  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1963

Here is an on-the-spot report by the Director of the Ambassador College News Bureau. It reveals the quickening march toward political, military and religious unity in Europe. For the past month and a half I have been in and around the capitals and major industrial centers of Europe. I am now, as I w ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1957

Where did we get Christmas?...from the Bible or paganism? Here are astonishing FACTS which may shock you! Do you know the origin of the Christmas tree - of "Santa Claus" - of the mistletoe, holly wreath - custom of exchanging gifts? Does Christmas really celebrate the birthday of Jesus? Wa ...

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Place of Safety Place of Safety
Robert E Fahey  -  Sermon   -  October 4, 1980

When I first started visiting in Canada, I was working as an area coordinator in Canada, or we call ourselves former area coordinators. It's a long story, and we were working there and I went around to the various churches. Of course, the Canadian people are often quite reserved. They're very co ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - April 25, 1972 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - April 25, 1972
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  April 25, 1972

I have just returned from a most eventful and successful six weeks' trip (which I had expected to last only three weeks) to find that rumors have reached the press concerning the absence of my son, Garner Ted Armstrong, with many false rumors and baseless conjectures. Also many letters from you Co ...

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The Politics of Politics The Politics of Politics
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  March 8, 1975

It was during the Johnson administration. A leading weekly news magazine, editorializing on Mr. Johnson's chances in the upcoming elections, viewed the President's chances from the perspective of the violent antiwar demonstrations, the civil rights movement, the arms race, pollution, and, most e ...

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What's It Like to Be a Teen in West Germany? What's It Like to Be a Teen in West Germany?
Norbert Link & Markus Klett  -  Youth Magazine   -  December 1981

Visiting some of the beautiful, picturesque settings in West Germany (the Bundesrepublik Deutschland), you could easily forget that it is a highly industrialized country with more than 61 million people, 23 million cars and 21 million television sets - all in an area smaller than the state of Nevada ...

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The Plain Truth about the PROTESTANT Reformation - Part IV The Plain Truth about the PROTESTANT Reformation - Part IV
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1958

Did Martin Luther lead the Protestant reformers to recapture the "faith once delivered"? The answers are SHOCKING! You need to understand the beginnings of modern Protestantism. PART IV. Millions of Protestant books, pamphlets and tracts boldly proclaim as the Protestant foundation: " ...

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Is David in Heaven? Is David in Heaven?
Ronald Beideck  -  Good News   -  November 1973

IF heaven is the reward of the saved, where the righteous go immediately at death, we should certainly expect David, of all people, to be in heaven. God called David, king of Israel, "a man after mine own heart" (Acts 13:22). Further, in Acts 7:46 we are told that David "found favour before ...

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