YOU CAN Revitalize Your Marriage YOU CAN Revitalize Your Marriage
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1982

Here are four goals which can add meaning, riches and abounding joy to your marriage. Where did we go wrong?" the woman sobbed as she sat in my office. Her face was etched with anxiety and despair. She had come to me for help with her marriage. It was breaking up, and there seemed to be preciou ...

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Almost Create LIFE? Almost Create LIFE?
William F Dankenbring  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1965

Science is in a frenzied search for the mysteries of life. Can SCIENCE create life in the test tube? Can human heredity be chemically controlled to produce a kind of science-fiction immortality? Where is it all leading? A feeling of suspense haunts modern researchers and biochemists. "We must k ...

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What If Adam Had Taken of the Tree of Life? What If Adam Had Taken of the Tree of Life?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1983

Personal from Herbert W. Armstrong - A most fruitful four-day visit to Johannesburg and Cape Town climaxed one evening in a dinner and social occasion at the home of Dr. Roy McCarthy, our regional director for South Africa. Present were the ministers of the Worldwide Church of God for the area, and ...

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Are You Developing Character of Gold? Are You Developing Character of Gold?
James P Lichtenstein  -  Good News   -  January 1984

Gold, a precious mineral, pictures well the precious character God desires to see created in you. No quest has excited human passions more than the prospect of discovering gold in some far-off place. The cry "Gold!" has driven men across deserts, mountain ranges, continents and oceans, a few to rich ...

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What Is Uppermost In God's Mind? What Is Uppermost In God's Mind?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1977

What is most important - above all else - in the mind of God right now? Does it make any difference to YOU what is IMPORTANT to God - what is important to Him above all else in your life? It should! For what is MOST IMPORTANT to Him IN YOUR LIFE will decide your happiness or unhappiness from here on ...

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John R Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1978

Man's survival capabilities are now being weighed in the balance. Many heads of state, scientists, futurists, ecologists and others of the intelligentsia have already found them wanting. Twentieth-century man is in a state of shipwreck and the prospects for viable lifeboats are very few indeed. Bu ...

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The Unpardonable Sin - Fact or Fallacy? The Unpardonable Sin - Fact or Fallacy?
Richard F Plache  -  Good News   -  January 1966

Here is a commonly misunderstood subject. Many have been confused by misinformation. Can you discern the difference between the facts and fallacies of this vital doctrine? This article makes it clear. IS THERE a particular sin which God CANNOT forgive? Some sin so heinous and despicable that it is I ...

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HELL Man's Idea vs. the Bible HELL Man's Idea vs. the Bible
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  September-October 1982

Is God an "angry Judge"? – a God who tortures helpless sinners ages without end? Shocking as it may seem, you may go to "hell"! Many of your loved ones are right now in "hell"! But don't be alarmed! You have probably never heard the truth about what "hell" really is - ...

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Lesson 13 - What Is the Christian's Inheritance? Lesson 13 - What Is the Christian's Inheritance?
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1966   Revision 966

IS HEAVEN PROMISED TO THE SAVED? WHERE will the "saved" spend eternity? Do you REALLY know? Of course you've always HEARD that you'll go to heaven, if you are "saved" - and you've probably just accepted it WITHOUT QUESTION. But did you ever stop to PROVE it for yourself? Di ...

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Why People Say 'Money Isn't Everything' Why People Say 'Money Isn't Everything'
Charles F Hunting & David R Ord  -  Good News   -  October 1974

Is money such a great evil? Is it something the Christian shouldn't really want? Does God dislike luxury? Just what should a Christian's attitude be toward material prosperity? "MONEY isn't everything," you hear people say. And it's true. Money - material prosperity - isn't everyt ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1977

Almost everybody, it seems, is all mixed up on this matter of spiritual conversion. It's part of the missing dimension in knowledge. Let's make it clear and plain as God Himself reveals it. Yesterday I was speaking before a packed house in the Ambassador Auditorium here at Pasadena headquarters. ...

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Far East Special - Part 3 Far East Special - Part 3
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  April 29, 1982

Why haven't you heard the gospel of Jesus Christ? The same gospel that Jesus himself proclaimed? You've been hearing a lot about a gospel, but you've been hearing a gospel of men about Christ, not the gospel that Christ preached or the gospel of Christ, but a gospel of men. Within about 22 yea ...

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Seven Proofs Of The True Church - Proof No. 5-6 Seven Proofs Of The True Church - Proof No. 5-6
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  December 04, 1978

WHERE is the one and only true Church today - the Church founded by Jesus Christ in A.D. 31? Seven major eye-opening proofs identify it unmistakably. Could anything sound more unbelievable? To say the true Gospel of Jesus Christ was not proclaimed to the world during 19 whole centuries - from the mi ...

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Just What Is 'The WORK'? Just What Is 'The WORK'?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  April 1981

And what was it, and how organized, In 1933, and from A.D. 31-70? The Work of God, and the organization and government of the Church of God, underwent radical changes from A.D. 31-70 to 1933, and also from 1933 to the present. We need now to stop and get our perspective. Was it as it should have bee ...

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Was Jesus Christ BORN AGAIN? Was Jesus Christ BORN AGAIN?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1963

Here are Scriptures to baffle most professing Christians. How could Christ, Himself, have been born AGAIN - WHEN? One year ago, in The PLAIN TRUTH of February, 1962, appeared an article captioned "Just What do You MEAN - BORN AGAIN?" It warned: "Don't be too sure you know! Many reli ...

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