An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation with Solutions to Bible Difficulties
A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Theology Ambassador College Pasadena, California In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts by Robert C. Boraker June, 1969 Biblical interpretation or "hermeneutics" is nothing more than determining what the Bible means. What is the correct meaning of the Scriptures and who has the authority to determine that meaning? This is Biblical interpretation. Some believe that the Roman Catholic Church has the authority to interpret Scripture. Nicholas of Lyra wrote (Preface 2 to the Postillae): I protest that I do not intend to assert or determine anything that has not been manifestly determined by Sacred Scripture or by the authority of the Church.... Wherefore I submit all I have said or shall say to the correction of Holy Mother Church and of all learned men. (Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible, article "Interpretation," PP. 721-722.) Wyclif protested against such a view by saying: Though there were a hundred popes and every monk were made a cardinal, their opinion in matters of faith is to be valued only insofar as it is founded upon Scripture. (Ibid.) That view is more correct. The Bible interprets itself. Man can only study it to find what it has to say. But the men most capable to do this study are those who are filled with God's Holy Spirit and have been chosen to instruct the people — His true ministers. The ministers of the true Church of God do have the authority to explain and expound the Bible. Agnostics and atheists attack the Bible by claiming it cannot be divinely inspired because of its "many contradictions, discrepancies, absurdities and immoralities." Because the modern critic tries to interpret the Bible like any other book, he can't understand it and could find many discrepancies and contradictions in it. But the Bible is not written from the same viewpoint as other books. While it gives facts about the history of man and the development of society, the Bible gives much more. It gives God's view and interpretation of those facts and reveals their real meaning. No other book has such knowledge. And no other book claims to be inspired by God. We don't need to doubt the authenticity, authority and inspiration of God's Word. We can find the truth and answers to any difficulties. We can know and strengthen our faith in God and His Word with a few, simple guidelines. This thesis will give principles of Bible study that will help the reader to understand the Bible and find answers to many of his questions. We will show why there are difficulties in understanding the Bible and how they can be solved. In addition, solutions to many Bible difficulties are included as examples. We shall prove there are no real discrepancies and no real contradictions in the inspired Word of God.