The count for the Holy Day offering is not yet complete and will not be for another day or two. However, with 293 Churches, the results so far are very encouraging. To date the Offering has almost duplicated last year's offering. However with 42 Churches yet to call in this year's Trumpets offering, it could w211be the highest ever in the history of the Work of God.

It is clear that God is blessing His Church greatly, now that it is on the track again. It is interesting to note that an apostle is one sent forth bearing authority, and now that Mr. Armstrong is using that authority to set the Church aright and make it ready for Christ's return, striving to remove every spot and blemish and iron out every wrinkle, God is opening doors and pouring out His blessings more than ever before. Let's all realize how very soon Christ's return is and that God is even now setting the stage for the exciting role His Church will play in the events leading up to the end of this age.

Remember, you cannot just "have" a Great Feast. You must "make" it a Great Feast. As ministers we must not neglect prayer and Bible study during the Festival. Our minds must continually be on the all-important purpose of this Festival, which reminds us of "Tomorrow — What It Will Be Like." Let's make it a point to meet many brethren,, talk with them, encourage all of them about the growth in God's Church since Mr. Armstrong has taken full control again. Let's make this the best Feast ever!

Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services

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Pastor General's ReportSeptember 25, 1979Vol 1 No. 8