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Progress has been made in paving the way for Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong's visit to the People's Republic of China in early September. Making advance arrangements for Mr. Armstrong is Mr. Stanley R. Rader, Executive Vice-President of the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation. Reporting from Shanghai, Mr. Rader announced that "Protocol had been reached with the representatives of the Minister of Education that will ultimately lead to the purchase of books in excess of $500,000, as well as training of teachers and students in the field of Library science."

Mr. Rader visited with officials at Peking University, Peking Teacher's University and the Peking National Library, as well as officials of the University of Nanking prior to his arrival in Shanghai. During his visit in Shanghai., Mr. Rader was received by officials of the Shanghai Library and Futean University in Shanghai. He will be returning to Peking for Further consultation with Chinese officials.


The American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California has decided to file an amicus curiae (friend-of-the-court) brief in support of the Church's battle against the state of California. The ACLU, together with the National Council of Churches and other groups, are determined to be heard in this benchmark case.

The announcement came during a public discussion of the Church's plight sponsored by the Pasadena-Altadena chapter of the ACLU yesterday, August 20.

The meeting was conducted by Mr. John Hutchison, long-time member of the ACLU and professor of religious history at Claremont Theological School. There was "vigorous internal debate" in the Southern California ACLU during discussions in its church/state committee and its legal committee meetings. Nevertheless, the ACLU's unanimous policy decision in this matter was reached, Mr. Hutchison said, because the state's action in the WCG case could well mean the end of religious freedom for all churches. Therefore the ACLU must defend the Worldwide Church's religious rights or any other church may be next on the list!

Mr. Hutchison stated the California Attorney General violated the Church's constitutional rights in its attempt to investigate the financial records of the Church. He noted that although the state professed an interest only in financial matters, not ecclesiastical ones, the seizure of some church financial records [as well as other confidential papers] interfered with the Church's religious activities and First Amendment rights to religious freedom. "You cannot separate the raising of money from the proclamation of a religious message. In this case, our conclusion, is that the Attorney General is in violation of the law and his violation of the law is a grave precedent for all of us."

Pastor General's Report Staff

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Pastor General's ReportAugust 21, 1979Vol 1 No. 3