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Since the beginning of the year, the Attorney General has resisted in court all of our attorneys' efforts to obtain a list of the various Church documents that have been in his possession. Finally, several weeks ago the Attorney General was ordered — by the court to produce such a list. Consequently, on Friday afternoon, June 29, Church officials did receive the court ordered list. The papers furnished by the Attorney General revealed that he has had in his possession 819 different documents, some of which are 24 to 50 pages in length!

"These documents include the very financial records which the State from the outset has claimed that it needs for the audit it seeks," commented Mr. Rader in a statement July 4th, "and, indeed, are the very records that the State has accused the Church of shredding and destroying. Thus, from the outset of this action the Attorney General has had, albeit by theft.

As an example of what Mr. Rader is talking about, the Attorney General has copies of the Work's certified financial statements going back more than 10 years. He also has copies of various tax returns and information returns filed by the Church, College or Foundation going back ten years or more. In addition, the Attorney General has copies of all of Mr. Jack Kessler's audit working papers which CJO into great detail for each of the years that Mr. Kessler [the Church's outside auditor) and/or others have audited the Work.

"Similarly," continues Mr. Rader, "he [the Attorney General] has never had to worry about document destruction [since he already possessed the information he "needs"]. It is clear, therefore, that this [the state's] entire action is a fraud, a charade designed solely to establish state sovereignty over the Church, and benefiting the dissident 'relators' in the process. Watergate pales beside this massive dishonesty in government."

The Work of God will not stand by and be victimized at the cost of our freedoms, Mr. Rader announced. "Our legal counsel are in the process of preparing and will file our own massive suit to regain possession of our documents and for damages resulting from their theft. We will vindicate our right to worship freely and in peace. We will not allow the State's naked assertion of power to be sanctioned or to go unpunished. With your continued support, the Work [of God] will be done."

(Editor's Note: Nearly all the rest of Mr. Rader's July 4th statement was published verbatim in the morning edition of the July 5th Pasadena Star News, as well as in the morning edition of the 6th. We have reproduced that article in this issue of the MEMBER'S HOTLINE for you interest.)


Rader charges document grab by state illegal, says suit due

   Stanley R. Rader, treasurer of the Worldwide Church of God, on Wednesday charged officials of the attorney general's office with a "crazed assertion of raw power" by concealing the possession of 819 documents he said be longed to the church.

   Rader has maintained that the state acted illegally on Jan. 3 in putting a receiver in the church in January.

   Rader told his audience in the Fourth of July address that the church will file suit to regain possession of the documents, which he claims were stolen, and for damages resulting from their theft.

   A partial text of Rader's statement to church members follows:

   "Yesterday marked the six month anniversary of the state's assault on the church and its leaders. Thanks to your unwavering support we have been able to withstand this heinous onslaught. As a result. today we remain strong, united, and firm in our conviction that the work will continue to go forward unfettered by the imposition of governmental authority.

   "New developments have confirmed what we knew to be the case' that the state's actions have been the product of wild, baseless accusations combined with a monstrous abuse of power by government.

   "Events of the last few days have conclusively demonstrated that state officials have lied. cheated, and stolen in furtherance of their crazed assertion of raw power, and have violated every constitutional guarantee of religious freedom in the process.

   "Last Friday, we received, pursuant. to court order, a list of 819 documents belonging to the Church which the state has in its possession These documents were stolen from the church by the state and/or others, and include ecclesiastical documents, communications between the church and its lawyers, communications between Mr. (Herbert) Armstrong and other church leaders, and other documents which the Constitution and laws of this country forbid the state to possess...

   "Moreover, these documents include the very financial records which the state from the outset has claimed that it needs for the audit it seeks, and, indeed are the very records that the state has accused the church of shredding and destroying. Thus, from the outset of this action the attorney general had, abeit by theft, his audit...

   We will not allow the state's naked assertion of power to be sanctioned or to go unpunished. With your continued support, the Work will be done."


(The above article appeared in the evening edition of the July 5th Pasadena Star-News, as well as in the morning edition of the 6th.)

Editor's Note: As we go to press this evening of the 11th, we've received word from Mr. Rader that the Church has filed suit today in Pasadena Municipal Court for the recovery of the 819 documents mentioned above. Also, Mr. Jack Kessler will be filing a suit for the return of hundreds of documents that were taken from his office.

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Pastor General's ReportJuly 11, 1979Vol 3 No. 26