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What did Caiaphas do for a living?
He was a priest.

Matthew 26:57
Edwin N Marrs      |   Remove Highlight
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OK, like I said, I didn't have a sermon. I had a headache last night. I have a sermon in my briefcase, but I didn't want to give it because I was reading a personal Bible Study, and I don't know. I was going through some old notes from 1978 at the ministerial conference, and I got to looking into a statement that was made by one of the men who is no longer a minister about Jesus Christ or something, and referred you to Corinthians. 2 Corinthians, one of the scriptures, I think it was 2 Corinthians 5 or whatever. So, I said, I think I will read this, and maybe I will be inspired to give a sermon. I'll see which one of these sermons I want to give. So, after I got in there, I just, I don't know, it kind of struck me because I'm learning, and I'm starting to see a lot of things since I've been in God's church over the years, and it just kind of struck me as to the apostle Paul's approach. Now we always have used, when it comes to church government, the letter the apostle Paul wrote to the brethren.

Transcript of this Sermon coming.

Sermon Date: December 3, 1983