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Who blessed Ephraim and Manasseh?
Israel (Jacob).

Genesis 48:14
What Eternity Will Be Like
John W Foster      |   Remove Highlight

Feast of Tabernacles

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It's hard to realize that this is the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, and tomorrow is actually a completely new festival: the Last Great Day. You have been picturing the thousand years in which we will share with Jesus Christ, the rulership of this world, to try to restore all things back to the government of God that ought to be there. Yet looking on beyond the thousand years, God gives us a glimpse of what forever will be like. And this morning, I would like to take us on a journey, sort of a picture, on beyond the millennium and on beyond even the resurrection and the White Throne Judgment. What will we be doing forever in the millions and billions of years that will come when we are given eternal life?

Transcript of this Sermon coming.