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Where did Samson find honey?
In the dead body of a lion.

Judges 14:8
The True Meaning of John 3:16
Abner D Washington      |   Remove Highlight
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Get into the sermon that I want to speak to you about this afternoon. John 3:16, John 3:16 my text for today. You know. I have literally in my lifetime heard this scripture quoted, hundreds of times, hundreds of times and without a doubt, it really is one of the most celebrated scriptures in the Bible. John 3:16, I guess just about everybody who calls themselves a Christian are able to quote John 3:16. And even though it is one of the most celebrated of all scriptures. It is probably the most or one of the most misunderstood. It's too bad that the understanding of John 3:16 is not as well known or as popular as I John 2:4. If you know what that one says. Why is really, John 3:16 clouded? Why is the meaning clouded? Why is it that there's confusion concerning John 3:16 which simply reads? For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Transcript of this Sermon coming.

Sermon Date: August 9, 1980