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What woman did David see bathing?

II Samuel 11:2
Is God Fair?
Carlton Green      |   Remove Highlight
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Well, what a pleasure to be back and to see all of you. You know, I wonder, you know as I stand here and I look at you and as you look at me, are we really a family? I mean, do you feel like we're a family? I remember we, two, three years ago, we had the opportunity to travel to Asia and spend the Feast with the brethren there and the one thing that I noticed is that the church was a family. That we really are a family, I'm your brother and you're my brother and my sister. Do you really feel that? Or is it not real to you? What do you pray when you pray? Do you pray our Father, well that's what I pray. Well, if you pray our Father and I'm praying our Father, what does that make us? Makes us God's children, and brothers and sisters. That's important.

Transcript of this Sermon coming.

Sermon Date: April 20, 1985