Know The Answer?
Who am I: I avenged my brother's murder. I needed a large comb to comb my hair. I used to hang around trees. I led a rebellion against my father David.

II Samuel 13-18
Prophecy And Holy Days Explained
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I would like to introduce at the beginning of this Festival the background for why we are here and understanding of the fundamental concepts that underly the distinction between prophecy and the plan of God and what we my know from the Bible, prophetically, for the world today and what is prophesied for the world tomorrow. The good news or the gospel of Jesus Christ is the story of God's action on the world scene when He intervenes in world affairs and sets the world back on track. After near six thousand years of human beings going their way. Prophecy includes what God will do but covers a great many things of this world now in which we live.

Transcript of this Sermon coming.

Sermon Date: September 25, 1980