Know The Answer?
When Paul was a prisoner on board a ship to Rome, how many people died in the subsequent shipwreck?

Acts 27:42-44
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I wanted to take the time this morning to deal with a topic that, in a sense, developed from what I had given in the Long Beach Church. I want to address a question that most of us probably think we know the answers to, or the answer to, that you wouldn't disagree with, that I doubt you ever sat down to think of the implication. That is, where do you find the Laws of God written, which are included under the New Covenant? How many of you know for sure you know where the answers are? Well, how many of you are not sure what I'm really driving at? The Church of Christ, or some other group, let's not just limit one, I'm only picking out one as an illustration.

Transcript of this Sermon coming.

Sermon Date: 1985