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The Spirit In Man
Maceo D Hampton      |   Remove Highlight
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I thought about this sermon for quite some time, it's one of the sermons to me that's fascinating, at least the subject is, and yet it's difficult to be understood and yet it's simple. That sounds ambiguous, I know, sounds paradoxical but it really is simple, and yet it's profound and very necessary in understanding God's word and even understanding why we're here. So, if you will turn to the, what is it, the Psalms 82, and of course the doctrine, or the message of God's Church today, is this, and though some people understand a certain amount about it, yet there is a great deal about it they don't understand, and we have, and I won't always say it this way, been privileged to know the entirety of what this really means the calling of God and the purpose of God according to what we will read now, chapter 82 of Psalms and beginning in verse 5.

Transcript of this Sermon coming.

Sermon Date: May 5, 1979