Ted Herlofson      |   Remove Highlight

Office Personnel Changes: Because we have recently had a significant turnover in employees and have also reassigned some responsibilities among other employees in the department, I felt it would be good to introduce our new people and let you know who is doing what. In this way you will know who to contact with specific problems or questions.

Our new receptionist, who is responsible for answering the phone and sorting the mail is Ellen Escat. My new secretary who will be helping me to keep up on the multitude of administrative details is Susan Zimmerman. A third new person is Gloria Stumpf who will be assisting Glen Nice with the Church Assistance Program. Glenn has taken over the responsibility for Church Assistance and supervision of the secretarial staff from John Anderson in order to free up John to spend more time in the planning and budget areas. Jennifer Hanway, in addition to her previous responsibility coordinating ministerial transfers, will be handling ministerial and hall rental expense questions and monitoring the Central Clearing Account. Our fourth new employee, Georgia Zick, will be handling Ministerial and Church Address information as well as maintaining the church maps. Two other employees in the department who will be continuing with their past responsibilities are Dick Burky who works in the area of policy development, and Susan Smith who produces the Church and Manpower Reports.

If you don't know who to contact with a specific subject, just tell the receptionist the subject matter and she will direct your call to the appropriate person.

The Ministerial Services office has recently been moved to the second floor of the Hall of Administration. I want to extend an invitation to all of you who will be attending the upcoming conference to come in and meet everyone in the office.

Telephone—WATS lines: Since we have moved, we are no longer able to have the Mail Processing Center WATS lines directly connected to our office. The people in the WATS area are able to patch calls on the first three lines of their WATS system to the campus telephone system; however, this results in lower volume and quality of transmission. Depending on the degree of problems with this approach, it may have to be dropped altogether.

Another alternative available to you if you need to contact us is to use the inbound WATS line that is answered by the college switchboard. The number for this line is (800) 423-4464. If you use this number, the switchboard operator will take down your name, telephone number, and who you want to contact, and notify our office to call you. If you use this system, we will do our utmost to return your call as soon as possible.

Ministerial Conference Update: In the November 17th memo concerning the conference it was mentioned that each person would receive $25 for meals at restaurants. We have been given the okay to increase the meal allotment to $50 per person. As explained in the earlier memo, meals will also be prepared at the Student Center for all who attend.

For the ladies, the Women's Alliance has asked us to announce that they are planning a "Special Tea" to renew old acquaintances and form new friendships. They are hoping you will set aside some time between 2 and 5 P.M. on Wednesday, January 17th for this event. A written invitation will be included in your registration packet.

The students are planning a dinner-dance for one of the evenings during the conference. The dress will be semi-formal. We also plan to have hors d'oeuvres each evening to provide a congenial atmosphere for socializing.

In order to help everyone to plan what type of clothing to bring we want to remind you that winter is the rainy season in Southern California. You may want to bring moderately warm clothing because the temperature has been getting down to the 30s and 40s at night with the day time highs in the 50s and 60s.

Notice: If anyone has any questions concerning a Mrs. Okey Gray, please contact r1inisterial Services or Mr. Dean Blackwell.

—Ted Herlofson, Ministerial Services

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Pastor General's ReportDecember 27, 1978Vol 2 No. 48