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Genesis 12:4
Bruce O Gore  

Feast of Tabernacles

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Say good morning to all of you, sure hope all of you are having a very, very fine Feast of Tabernacles. My wife and I started out in the Ministry about 14 years ago in Indiana, went from there down to Georgia and spent 6 years there, then to College for another year, sabbatical, then back out to North Carolina, been in Pasadena and Big Sandy. So highlight for us at the Feast is to be able to meet all the people that we have known before in these different areas, it's just a tremendous thing to be able to have the fellowship that we have. So, I hope that you're enjoying that in your observance of God's Feast. Surely along with our enjoyments of the Feast, there's going to be problems and those problems can be good for us, they can teach us things, we can build character as a result of problems.

Transcript of this Sermon coming.

Sermon Date: September 29, 1980