Know The Answer?
What did Peter do after denying his identity with Jesus?
He cried bitterly.

Matthew 26:75
What It Means To Be An Unworthy Servant
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Could you please tell me what it means to be an unworthy servant, or unprofitable servant? I know a woman very well, she is very much in the Church, thankful and trying hard, yet she was afraid that she wasn't growing enough, fast enough, or perhaps well enough. The scripture she had in mind was in Luke 17 chapter 17 verse 10. I wonder if some of us ever wondered about this too, because of the fact Christ speaks to about a servant, He says, Luke 17:10, "So you too if you have done all that is commanded of you, you say, we are unworthy servants; we have only done what's our duty." I wonder just if some of us feel this way, is some of us praying hard enough? Being as good of a Christian as we can and perhaps like this woman, feel somewhat discouraged and say, look I'm trying to do the best that I can, yet I am just not growing enough, what's wrong with me?...

Transcript of this Sermon coming.

Sermon Date: February 9, 1980