Newsstands To Expand Into 19 New AirportsNewsstands To Expand Into 19 New Airports
Mark Armstrong      |   Remove Highlight

The Plain Truth Newsstand Program has just acquired approval to distribute through an additional 19 major airport outlets in the U.S. This is in addition to the 17 airports we mentioned in a recent Pastor's Report. The 19 airports are located in: Philadelphia, PA; Waterloo, IA; Nashville, TN; Canton, OH; Cleveland, OH; Washington, DC; Detroit, MI (2); Fairbanks, AL; Green Bay WI; Greensboro, NC; Washington, DC (Dulles): Kansas City, MO; Orlando, FL; Miami, FL; Philadelphia, PA; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; Miami, FL. If any of these airports happen to fall within your local church area please wait for the Circulation Department to contact you, as we will have to implement these new distributions gradually.

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Pastor General's ReportDecember 05, 1977Vol 1 No. 5