Know The Answer?
Name one of the prophets who with Ezra urged Israel to rebuild the temple?
Haggai or Zechariah.

Ezra 5:1
Conference UpdateConference Update
Ted Herlofson      |   Remove Highlight

Hopefully all conference travel forms are in the mail to us as they are desperately needed from all of you. It is getting very difficult to secure late reservations on airlines with the approaching holiday season. Also, it is harder for our office to expedite late travel details amidst the flurry of other details being cared for in advance of the conference. Last week we sent registration packets to all of you. Please return the registration card as soon as possible. It is by means of this card that we will assign you a place in the seminars and lectures.

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Pastor General's ReportNovember 28, 1977Vol 1 No.