Special Topics (Reprint Articles)

Where Did the American Indian Come From? Where Did the American Indian Come From?
Worldwide Church of God - 1957

Mystery of mysteries! Nearly everyone has puzzled over the origin of the American Indian. Did he come from Mongolia? from Egypt? from the South Pacific? Certainly if the Bible has God as its Author, this Book of books could not have overlooked the New World. The Indians must have come from Noah, but ...

Where Did The Twelve Apostles Go? Where Did The Twelve Apostles Go?
Herman L Hoeh - 1973

When Paul preached the gospel at Rome, where was Peter? Why is the book of Acts strangely silent about the twelve apostles after their departure from the Holy Land? Here is one of history's best-kept secrets! WHY HAS the truth about the journeys of the twelve apostles been kept from public knowled ...

Where Is the TRUE Church Today? Where Is the TRUE Church Today?
Radio Church of God - 1958

Here is the answer to the repeated questions which thousands of you have been asking! IT IS TIME you knew the truth about this work. Does Jesus Christ have many different evangelists and church denominations - each teaching a different "gospel" and practicing different doctrines - doing His work? Is ...

Where Is The True Church? Where Is The True Church?
Herbert W Armstrong

What about this whole church question - as it concerns YOU? WHERE IS the original true Church which Jesus Christ founded - the one the living Jesus Christ STILL HEADS today? That is the question that haunted me, back in 1926 and early 1927. I had been reared, like many of our readers, in one of the ...

Which Bible Translations Are Best? Which Bible Translations Are Best?
Worldwide Church of God - 1984

A veritable explosion in 20th-century Bible translations is occurring. Some are excellent. Some are tragic. Explained here is the way to choose good translations. In the nearly five years since we last published an article on this subject, two new translations of the Bible have been completed. ...

Which Old Testament Laws Are In Force Today? Which Old Testament Laws Are In Force Today?
Herman L Hoeh - 1972

Here is how you can know which laws in the Old Testament were changed, or are no longer necessary, and which we are commanded to observe today! NEW MEMBERS in God's Church often ask, "When I read the Old Testament, how can I know the difference between the ceremonial laws no longer binding on the ...

Which Old Testament LAWS Should We Keep Today? Which Old Testament LAWS Should We Keep Today?
Herman L Hoeh - 1971

Here are the basic principles explaining which Old Testament laws are still in force. Here is how you can know which laws in the Old Testament were changed or are no longer necessary, and which we are commanded to observe today! PEOPLE often ask us, "How can I know the difference between the added c ...

Which Translations Should You Use? Which Translations Should You Use?
Lester L Grabbe - 1973

There are dozens of translations and paraphrased versions on the market, with more being produced continually. Which ones have merit? Which are less valuable? This article gives principles in choosing and using a translation. FOR centuries the word "Bible" in English has been practically s ...

Who - What - was Jesus before His Human Birth? Who - What - was Jesus before His Human Birth?
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1957

This question has puzzled theologians for centuries: Was He God - Was He Angel - Was He Spiritual Essence - Did He Exist Only in the Plan, Thought, and Purpose of God? WHY SHOULD there be such confusion concerning the existence of Jesus Christ? In our Western world of professing Christianity, we see ...

Who Built The Great Pyramid? Who Built The Great Pyramid?
Herman L Hoeh - 1964

Did you know the builder of the Great Pyramid is identified in the Bible? WHO did build the Great Pyramid at Gizeh, Egypt? When and why was it built? Is there some supernatural revelation hidden in its mighty stones? Was the pyramid built to make the Bible clear and understandable? Are the speculati ...

Who Should GOD'S Ministers Be? Who Should GOD'S Ministers Be?
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1958

If the Bible truth were known, thousands would never have "chosen" the ministry as their profession! Should you teach, preach, or "witness" for the Lord? How does God call His true ministers? "I'VE BEEN called to preach!" said the eager young man to the elder pastor. "HOW do you know you've been ...

Why Aren't You More Christ-Centered? Why Aren't You More Christ-Centered?
Worldwide Church of God - 1976

Are you ashamed of Jesus Christ? Are you afraid to mention His name in conversation? Is Jesus Christ at the heart and core of your Christian life? Or have you relegated the name of Christ to the realm of maudlin, sentimental, mushy "religious" conversation? For whoever is ashamed of me and of my wor ...

Why Aren't Your Children More Healthy? Why Aren't Your Children More Healthy?
Ralph E Merrill & Stig R Erlander - 1970

Hundreds of you have been puzzled about how to feed your children properly. Here is the answer from a physician and a biochemist who have analyzed these problems in their true light. Most of our children are anemic, have frequent colds, tonsillitis ear infections, stomach upsets, and many have defor ...

Why Did God Let Johnny Die? Why Did God Let Johnny Die?
Worldwide Church of God - 1981

Why does God allow human tragedy? Why do innocent babies suffer? If there is a God, why does he allow accidents, crimes and wars? These questions have perplexed the greatest theologians for centuries - yet the answers are simple. The U.S.A.: Little Johnny was only 20 months old almost out of diapers ...

Why Does God Allow Suffering? Why Does God Allow Suffering?
Ambassador College Production

If God is all powerful - if He is all love - why does He permit wars, sickness, anguish and pain? Here is the answer to that age - old question. WHY DOES God permit war? WHY does God allow human suffering and misery? "If God is good - if God is LOVE - if he is MERCIFUL, He would not wish for pe ...

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