Know The Answer?
After Job had lost all his herds, family and servants, what did he get on his body?
Sores (boils).

Job 2:7
Good Friends Are Forever
Youth Magazine
January 1981
Volume: Vol. I No. 1
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Good Friends Are Forever
Darris L McNeely      |   Remove Highlight

Are your friendships close and lasting? Do they just happen - or are they a matter of choice? YOU probably didn't choose this Church - your parents did. But you must realize that not only your parents, but you, are making, right now, some of the most important choices of your life. Many of these decisions are going to affect your future - bringing either tremendous happiness or regretful sorrow. We all need friends; One of the most important choices you make early in life is who your friends will be. Your friends bring more pressure upon you than any other influence in your life. They will influence your taste in clothes, the type of entertainment you seek and the language you use.

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Youth MagazineJanuary 1981Vol. I No. 1