I WON'T TALK much about Youth 05, when I first became a teenager - or Youth 10 when I was an 18-year-old "adult" and had come to know more than my father. I felt sorry for my father then - in the year 1910. I had been born and raised in Des Moines, Iowa, and when I was 20, my father moved to the West Coast, and I didn't see him again for 12 years - when I was 32. You can't imagine how much my father had matured and had learned by that time. He then knew more than I did, and I had only honor and respect for him from that time on. Of course those were old-fashioned days, and you live today in a very modern and up-to-date world. When I was a youth - 13 to 17 - we still burned kerosene lamps, drove a horse and buggy, had never heard of radio or television.
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