Know The Answer?
What did David do to calm King Saul's evil moods?
Played the harp.

I Samuel 16:23
Summer Educational Program
Youth Magazine
March 1981
Volume: Vol. I No. 3
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Summer Educational Program
Youth Magazine Staff      |   Remove Highlight

Summertime fun and learning in a world tomorrow atmosphere gives young people in God's Church around the world a chance to be real winners. DEAR MR. ARMSTRONG, Do you remember me? I'm the girl who gave you a card from dorm 7-G at SEP first session, 1980. I got a hug from you too! SEP is the best thing that ever happened to me. It turned my life around! I would like an article in my magazine all about SEP. I hope that many other children can and will have the opportunity of going to SEP. SEP is fun and you learn God's way! It's wonderful! The Summer Educational Program (SEP) provides God's young people around the world with a chance to make new friends, learn new skills and have a fantastic time.

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Youth MagazineMarch 1981Vol. I No. 3