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Who was Jesse the Bethlehemite?
David's father.

I Samuel 6
How to Turn Your Snapshots into Photographs
Youth Magazine
May 1981
Volume: Vol. I No. 5
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How to Turn Your Snapshots into Photographs
Nathan Faulkner      |   Remove Highlight

Photography is a great way to capture those fun times at the Feast, a YOU activity, a church dance or SEP so you can enjoy looking back on them later. But haven't you ever wondered if the company that develops your film is sending you back the wrong pictures? They certainly don't look like the same memorable scenes you saw when you snapped your camera's shutter. It's difficult to learn the "tricks" of taking a good picture only by chance. Below are some helpful hints that can give you beginning photographers an advantage over the old trial-and-error method. Watch out for the following:

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Youth MagazineMay 1981Vol. I No. 5