Know The Answer?
With what did David cut off Goliath's head?
Goliath's sword.

I Samuel 17
By the Way... Are You Important?
Youth Magazine
December 1981
Volume: Vol. I No. 10
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By the Way... Are You Important?

THIS IS your last Youth 81. That's right. It's the last Youth 81 we're going to send you. Why? Because, believe it or not, a whole year has gone by now since the birth of Youth 81, and the next issue you receive will be the January issue of Youth 82. I've been reflecting back, as this first year of Youth 81 comes to a close, on why Pastor General Herbert W. Armstrong began a new magazine just for you young people of the Church. Publishing a magazine is expensive. It's not something you get into without a real purpose and a lot of thought. Mr. Armstrong feels you are worth it. Do you believe that? Or do you feel unimportant as far as God's Work is concerned? Do you really understand what "God's Work" is and what part you play in it?

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Youth MagazineDecember 1981Vol. I No. 10