Know The Answer?
Where did David fight Goliath?
The Valley of Elah.

I Samuel 17
News & Reviews
Youth Magazine
December 1981
Volume: Vol. I No. 10
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Proverbs: Messages for Today - Do Your Back (and Your Looks) a Favor: "Will Rogers said he never met a man he didn't like." remarked the eulogist at a funeral not long ago. "But when it comes to the man we're honoring today," he went on, "we could say that he never met a man who didn't like him." Quite strong words of praise, those. How would you like people to feel this way about you? They can, you know. They can if you will follow the advice of wise King Solomon. And realize this: To be well thought of, you don't have to have a lot of money, be famous, pretty, tall or strong. In fact, all of us can easily think of people who seem to have every good thing this world has to offer going for them, and yet they are disliked by their peers.

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Youth MagazineDecember 1981Vol. I No. 10