Know The Answer?
Name the two tribes that settled in the same territory.
Simeon and Judah

Joshua 19:1
By the Way... Oh, Well, Nobody's Perfect
Youth Magazine
February 1982
Volume: Vol. II No. 2
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By the Way... Oh, Well, Nobody's Perfect

I HAD A TEENAGE friend who used to chew on his fingernails. He'd bite them off without even giving them a chance to grow back. For more than 17 years he carried around 10 ugly reminders of the habit he hated. If he ever dropped a small object, he might as well forget it. He couldn't pick it up again. He was embarrassed to have anyone see his hands so he often kept them in his pockets. He tried to stop, using everything from gloves to a chemical that burned his mouth when he'd try biting his nails. He really hated that habit. But in spite of all the bad consequences, he was completely in its grip.

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Youth MagazineFebruary 1982Vol. II No. 2