Special Topics (Reprint Articles)

Remember The Sabbath Day Remember The Sabbath Day
Worldwide Church of God - 1974

REMEMBER the Sabbath day." Yes, " Remember." That's one of the Ten Commandments. But today most everyone forgets. Professing Christians almost universally assume that the day to worship God is Sunday. The Sabbath of the Bible is either relegated to the Jewish people or a few "wayward" Protestant d ...

Right or Wrong WHO DECIDES? Right or Wrong WHO DECIDES?
Ambassador College Production

Scandals in government, industry and religion have captured considerable media attention of late. More sad stories of corruption, greed and moral laxity seem to appear each day. We expect our leaders to be better than we are. When they're not, we're always surprised. But are their moral lapses e ...

Satan's Fate Satan's Fate
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1959

Here is the truth about Satan, and the startling Proof about his final judgment! THIS WORLD is totally deceived. In His very first words to His disciples in the Olivet Prophecy, Jesus sternly warned, "Take heed that no man deceive you, for MANY shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and shall d ...

SCIENTISTS DISCOVER - There WERE Giants on Earth in those Days SCIENTISTS DISCOVER - There WERE Giants on Earth in those Days
Herman L Hoeh - 1956

The most astonishing geologic discovery in 15 years dumbfounding the skeptics! Recently discovered remains of HUMAN BEINGS BIGGER THAN THE GORILLA - more healthy, more robust, more perfectly formed than puny, sickly man today - prove the Biblical record true. The time late in 1941. The place - the i ...

Seven Keys to Understanding the Bible Seven Keys to Understanding the Bible
Herbert W Armstrong - 1953

DO YOU realize God has purposely closed much of the Holy Bible from human understanding, until now? Look at the pitiful spectacle - hundreds of different sects and denominations, all confused and mixed up, each with its own different ideas, beliefs and practices - all disagreeing as to what the Bibl ...

Seven Proofs God Exists! Seven Proofs God Exists!
Radio Church of God - 1960

This is the most vital decade of all history! NEVER has it been more urgently necessary to answer the question, "Does God Exist?" Atheists, scientists and historical geologists assume He does not! Churchgoers, some Christians assume He does! It's time to QUIT ASSUMING! It's time you saw the PROO ...

Seven Rules to Right Decisions Seven Rules to Right Decisions
Ambassador College - 1969

Life is a series of decisions leading to success or failure. How would you like to be able to make the right decision EVERY TIME. Learn how, in this vital article that can change your life. HOW many times has your life, your happiness, your self-respect been upset and disturbed because you've made ...

Seven Steps To Effective Repentance Seven Steps To Effective Repentance
Leon Walker - 1977

Repentance is the foundation on which we build our Christian lives. In his booklet, The Unpardonable Sin, Mr. Herbert Armstrong explains what repentance is. I will quote a section from page 13. "Repentance is a change of mind and ATTITUDE. It is a change from this carnal attitude of hostility toward ...

SEX - the SEX - the "Scientific" View vs: God's
Radio Church of God - 1957

Never in history has so much impetus been given to public discussion of SEX. Dr. Kinsey is now dead, but his books on Sexual Behaviour of men and women capped the climax of public interest. Here is the real answer to an ever-growing problem. You NEED this vital information! SEX IS NO longer a " ...

Sexually Transmissible Diseases: Even YOU Could Become Infected! Sexually Transmissible Diseases: Even YOU Could Become Infected!
Ambassador College Production

Sexually transmissible diseases are out of control in most nations, taking a terrific toll in health and lives. You can't afford to be uninformed about them if you want to protect yourself, your children or your loved ones! WITH STUNNING rapidity, NEW sexually transmissible diseases (STDs) are sur ...

Should A Christian Dance? Should A Christian Dance?
Albert J Portune - 1962

The world labels dancing a "pleasure." On the other hand, some claim the Bible condemns dancing! Read God's answer - from the Bible - in this revealing article. DOWN through the centuries, many a starry-eyed girl and pink-cheeked young lady has anxiously and with great expectation dresse ...

Should a Christian Fight? Should a Christian Fight?
Leroy Neff - 1960

Wars and rumors of wars are increasing. They are affecting you and your family more and more. Should you, as a member of this Church, bear arms? Should you come under the military authority in a non-combatant capacity? Here is God's teaching for members of this Church... ...

Should A Christian Smoke? Should A Christian Smoke?
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1970

It's true - smoking DOES cause cancer! Smoking IS injurious to health! Read, in this article, backed up by plenty of statistical PROOF, what your Creator says about smoking! It's BIG BUSINESS Tobacco is the nation's fifth largest cash crop, and the third largest crop for export. ...

Should Christians Celebrate BIRTHDAYS? Should Christians Celebrate BIRTHDAYS?
Kenneth C Herrmann - 1959

Why does the Bible omit mention of the birthdates of such men as Abraham, Moses — and even Jesus Christ? Is the day of one's birth of any great importance? Here's the surprising answer! SEARCH your Bible! How many birthday celebrations do you find? ...

Should Christians Smoke? Should Christians Smoke?
Radio Church of God - 1954

Many say they can't find anything against tobacco in the BIBLE. Recently great controversy has arisen over the question whether cigarette smoking causes LUNG CANCER. Here is an eye-opening article, reporting the actual FACTS determined in recent tests, surveys and researches, and making PLAIN the ...

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