Know The Answer?
What happened to Miriam for being jealous of her brother Moses' position?
She became leperous.

Numbers 12
Can Grandpa Come Out and Play?
Youth Magazine
June-July 1982
Volume: Vol. II No. 6
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Can Grandpa Come Out and Play?
Jackie Meeker      |   Remove Highlight

By the teenage years, "playing with Grandpa" and other contact with older people is often left behind. Are you missing out? What do you think of when you hear the word elderly? The dictionary states "somewhat old, past middle age, approaching old age." Is that the connotation the word brought to your mind? Probably not. If you are anything like I was, that word brought to mind someone you may not be too crazy about being around. But recently I changed my mind. When we moved to a church area that has quite a few old people in its congregation, I thought: Great! That's all I need - older people and very few teens. What a bummer!

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Youth MagazineJune-July 1982Vol. II No. 6