Know The Answer?
Who attacked the early church, entering house after house and later became an apostle?

Acts 9:1
Is Anybody Watching Me?
Youth Magazine
August 1982
Volume: Vol. II No. 7
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Is Anybody Watching Me?
Jeff E Zhorne      |   Remove Highlight

We'd been looking forward to this concert for weeks. Why should it matter to us what the younger kids might do? The impact of setting an example hit hard a few years ago when three friends and I planned to see a particularly metallic rock group in concert. "Can't wait until tonight," we said that day at Church services. Most of us sat fidgeting impatiently and couldn't have told you if the minister was talking about solving the world's problems or solving Rubik's cube. There! Finally services were over. " Let's grab something to eat, change clothes, then head out to the convention center." one of my friends suggested, as we got ready to leave the building.

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Youth MagazineAugust 1982Vol. II No. 7