Know The Answer?
For how long did it rain in the great flood?
40 days and 40 nights.

Genesis 7:12
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Well, if I had to have a favorite sermon that I've had the opportunity of giving, this would be it. It first dawned on me back a number of years ago when I was watching a movie called "The Agony and the Ecstasy" which is a story of Michelangelo, the Pope had drafted Michelangelo and instead of being able to do sculpture work which was his favorite, he had him start painting on the Sistine Chapel and right in the center, at the top of the dome Michelangelo would lie there on the scaffold, he started the story of the Bible, he started painting the picture of creation and he started painting how God brought man out of the dust and made him in His image. The Pope was very interested in watching Michelangelo so he came in quite regularly...

Transcript of this Sermon coming.