Know The Answer?
Jonah was instructed by God to go to Nineveh. Instead, where did he try to flee to?

Jonah 1:3
News & Reviews
Youth Magazine
October-November 1982
Volume: Vol. II No. 9
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News & Reviews
Youth Magazine Staff      |   Remove Highlight

Are You an Impractical Joker?; The 'Convenient Listening' Syndrome; Proverbs for Today: Wisdom Cries Out; Bright Streaks in the Night Sky; Are You in Your Right Mind? - Do you enjoy pulling gags on your friends or classmates? Or are you often the brunt of these practical jokes? While most pranks are innocent and harmless, some can be carried too far and result in permanent injury. That's what we want to look at briefly - the need to exercise wisdom when engaging in fun and games with your friends. Let's consider a few examples of the types of tricks that are dangerous:

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Youth MagazineOctober-November 1982Vol. II No. 9