Know The Answer?
What church mentioned in Revelation had left its first love?
The church at Ephesus.

Revelation 2:4
Man to Rule the Universe?
Youth Magazine
December 1982
Volume: Vol. II No. 10
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Man to Rule the Universe?

Is there a purpose for mankind beyond this brief life? HAVE YOU ever been 41,000 feet above the earth in a plane, as I have? At night, from this height, the whole vast universe above seems to burst forth like a stupendous exploding skyrocket. How did this world come to be here? Did the universe evolve? Were the myriads of uncountable suns that we call stars created? Was there purpose? What about the planets in our own solar system? Do they sustain life? Or is this earth the sole body of matter in the endless universe that is inhabited? Astronomers may hazard some guesses. The unmanned spacecrafts designed at JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) sent photographs back to earth from vantage points close to some of these planets.

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Youth MagazineDecember 1982Vol. II No. 10