Know The Answer?
Who am I: I lived in tents. I chose to live on the plain of Jordan. I had flocks and herds. My family and I escaped the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Genesis 13:5-13
When Your Friend's in Trouble...
Youth Magazine
January 1983
Volume: Vol. III No. 1
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When Your Friend's in Trouble...
Darris L McNeely      |   Remove Highlight

When trouble comes, many friends disappear. What can you do to give real help when your friend needs it most? "She wouldn't think of demanding my help - as a friend I've got to sense when she needs help and then try to give it. "It's only fair. She does the same for me." When you're going through difficult times - times that can strain the bonds of friendship to the limits - don't you hope for friends like that? Someone who will lend a helping hand, even when it's inconvenient or downright difficult? Someone who will try to do anything to keep you from being hurt, even if you're hurting yourself?

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Youth MagazineJanuary 1983Vol. III No. 1